Chapter 5- Coronation

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Ben was finally ready. He was going to be crowned king.

Magenta and I stood on the side, a few meters away from the royal family. Evie made my dress, which made me even more grateful for having friends like them. She was so delicate when it came to her work.

I observed Ben. He told me to look out for anything unusual. Belle handed the wand to Fairy Godmother.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon, with justice and mercy, as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"I do solemnly swear," Ben said, smiling.

"Then it is my honor, and my joy, to bless our new king."

Jane took the wand from Fairy Godmother, startling everyone. Magical sparks flew everywhere. Mal stepped out, ignoring Fairy Godmother's screaming. Mal finally grabbed the wand from Jane.

"Mal?" Ben said. "Give me the wand."

"Stand back," Mal breathed.

The three burst through the door, making me confused.

"It's okay."

"Ben, I said stand back!" Mal shouted.

"I told you so-" Audrey started before Mal turned to her. Everyone jumped back in disbelief.

"Let's go."

"Revenge time."

"You really want to do this," Ben realized.

"We have no choice, Ben. Our parents-"

"Your parents made their choice!" Ben cut her off. "Now it's time to make yours."

Mal hesitated. She glanced at me. "I think I want to be good."

"You are good," Ben said.

"How do you know that?" Mal demanded.

"Because—Because I'm listening to my heart," Ben admitted.

"I want to listen to my heart, too." Mal turned to the three of them. "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." Mal smiled, looking at Jay. "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team make you happy."

Mal looked at Carlos. "And you. Scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would have thought?" Evie was next. "And Evie, you do not need to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart. And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy. Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys."

Jay put his fist in. "I choose good too."

Evie smiled, putting her fist in. "I choose good."

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be?" Carlos questioned. "Because they're going to be really, really mad."

"Your parents can't reach you here," Ben assured them.

"Okay, then." Carlos put his fist in the circle. "Good."

A loud crash broke the triumphant moment. Green smoke filled the room. I froze when Maleficent's dark figure appeared in front of us.

"I'm back!"

"Go away, mother," Mal said.

Maleficent laughed. "She's funny. You're very funny. Here. Wand me, chop chop."

"No!" Ben shouted.

Mal tossed the wand to Fairy Godmother as I backed away.


"Boo," Maleficent mocked.



Ben roared, charging toward Mal. He still thought the attack was going on. Mal stopped him, giggling.

"Okay, okay. We kinda got this all wrapped up here," Mal said.

Ben stared at Mal for a moment. I could see the love in his eyes. He picked her up and twirled her.

"Next time, I rescue you, okay?" Ben said.

"Yeah. Let's not let there be a next time," Mal replied.

"Let's get this party started," Jay said, making me giggle.

"Ohay ohay hey!" we cheered.

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