Chapter 7- Team

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Lonnie dragged me to one of her interests. I realized it was R.O.A.R. The Lost children and I loved to play it. We put on extra uniforms and snuck into the formation.

"Masks down. En garde."

We started. Lonnie was quickly taken out by another player. Then it was just Jay and me. There was a reason I had my groundings on. To make sure that my flying went rogue during this.

I got his sword in the end, and he kicked it out of my hand. He yielded, surprising me. I took off my mask, shyly revealing myself.

"It's (Y/n)!" I heard Jane say.

Everyone cheered as Lonnie walked up to me. She patted my back. "Well done."

"Not bad," Jay agreed.

"You should put her on the team," Lonnie said.

Jay was actually considering it when Chad protested.

"Hey, wha—What? No, no, no, no. We'd be the laughingstock of the league. And what's going to happen next? Girls playing tourney?"

"So what?" Jay asked Chad.

"So what? Have you not read the rulebook?" Chad questioned. "Section two, paragraph three, eleven-dash-four. A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men. Hm?"

"Yeah, but you're down a man!" Lonnie argued. "You know, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff."

"Exactly. We're down a man," Chad snapped.

"Jay," Lonnie pleaded.

"I'm sorry," Jay apologized. "Coach trusts me. I'm not going to stay captain if I just throw out the rule book."

"Thank you for considering me," I said.

"If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war," Lonnie snapped.


"No, (Y/n). The rulebook is completely sexist, and it's unfair," Lonnie hissed as we walked out of the Amphitheater.

"Oh, and Chad?" I called. "Next time you make a comment about girls and Tourney, I will hit you with my stick again."

"Someone needs to deflate his ego," Lonnie said.

"Jay's the one who usually does that. Although Chad might just be emotionally damaged from his breakup and needed a boost," I reasoned.

"I'm glad Audrey dumped him. He was just a second choice to her. She shouldn't have played him like that," Lonnie pointed out. "So, who's asked you to Cotillion?"

I snorted. "No one. I'm not going."

"You have to go," Lonnie pleaded.

"I have no one to go with. And I don't want to be stuck on a boat filled to the brim with prissy princesses and pompous princes," I said.

"The four are going to be there, and so am I," Lonnie said.

I sighed. "I'll think about it, okay? Don't get your hopes up."

"You have two days," Lonnie said. "The day of."

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