Chapter 26- Graduation

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"Darling, wake up. We have graduation today," Harry whispered.

I opened my eyes immediately with the thought in mind. A year ago I met Harry, and now today's the last day of college, where I'm going to graduate with my best friends.

I heard rapid knocking on my door and I quickly got out of bed, straightening my nightgown. I opened the door and saw Magenta squealing. She was holding out my graduation gown, and I smiled. She was already in hers, even though graduation was still in four hours. Her gown was literally magenta. Mine was green, Uma's was turquoise, and Harry's was red.

I grabbed Uma's out of the closet and hung it on her frame. I shook her awake as I heard Harry snore.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked.

She laughed and swung her legs off of the bed, walking into the closet. She came out minutes later dressed and ready to head down to breakfast.

"Okay, seriously, Magenta, go get changed. We have four hours until the ceremony. We don't need to be wearing our gowns right now."

She groaned and trudged off to her room. I smiled victoriously and walked into the closet, changing and adding a bit of eyeliner and mascara.

I woke Harry up and he went into his room, coming out a few minutes later with Gil. The four of us went down to breakfast and talked at our table.

"Can you believe we're graduating high school? Now we can go out and explore the world!" Gil said excitedly.

"And it was all thanks to (Y/n)." Uma looked at me.

"Hey, you guys were the one who passed all the tests and did the homework. All I did was guide you to the right answers," I said.

"That's a really fancy way of saying you helped us half the time." Uma raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, you helped me with Chemistry a couple times," I retorted.

"That's because on the Isle, chemistry was basically mixing chemicals to see if they would blow up. Harry and I would be the ones to do it, but we also know which ones that cause the most boring reactions," Uma explained.

I laughed, and Harry smiled at me. I mean, I've never seen something blow up. Michelle blew up something once in Chemistry, but I wasn't in the class. She ended up getting five after-school detentions, and a safety seminar on chemistry that we have to take at the beginning of each year. She had to take it twice.

We walked to Fairy Godmother's classroom, where she promised to tell the class what was going to happen at graduation. She motioned for us to sit in the front of the class, which surprised me. She usually let me sit in the back.

One by one, students flooded into the classroom until Fairy Godmother clapped her hands. Everyone immediately went quiet as Fairy Godmother smiled sweetly.

"Okay, students. This is how today is going to happen. We will start with the Graduation, where you will be called by your full name up to the stage and given your certificate. You will walk off and proceed out of the auditorium. You will be able to get ready for the dance in your rooms and then meet at the gymnasium at seven. Understood?" she explained.

"Completely and fully."


Uma and I cheered as we ran down the hallway to our dorms, where we dropped our diplomas on our beds and took turns getting dressed in the closet. Uma went first, and then I went.

I helped Uma braid her braids into a single braid and then she put my hair in waves. We ran to the gym, making sure the boy didn't see us because we wanted it to be a surprise. The gym was dark, with only a couple of lights coming from around the room. There were fairy lights and a stage in the middle of the room where the band that was hired was supposed to play. Uma and I stood off to the side, in the darkness, as others arrived.

"Are you ready to surprise your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Are you ready to surprise yours?" she retorted.

We both laughed, knowing we were ready to surprise them. They entered the room as if searching for something, no doubt searching for us. Harry was wearing a red suit, while Gil was wearing a tan one to match his signature colors.

"Well, don't you look handsome."

I heard a voice go up to Harry. She was wearing a pink dress, and I wanted to gag.

"Do you want to dance?" she asked in a lilting tone that made me want to punch her.

"No, thank you. I already have a date," Harry said, half-polite with a hint of warning.

I decided enough was enough and walked up to them, my baby-blue heels clicking.

"Excuse me," I said as I turned Harry to face me.

He brightened when he saw me, almost relieved, and pulled me into a kiss. The girl scoffed and walked away, her heels clicking loudly across the floor to her friends.

"Who was that?" I asked as he pulled away.

"Audrey," he replied simply.

I growled. "That little-"

"Hey, it's okay. You shooed her off," he reassured me.

I nodded and calmed down, then smiled. "Do you want to dance?" he asked.

I nodded again, and he led me further into the gym. He stopped halfway between the doors and the stage. His face was dim in the light, but his eyes were sparkling as if a light was directly hitting them.

"You're beautiful," he whispered.

"And you are absolutely handsome," I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and swayed with me. I looked up at him and stared into his eyes. He looked back at me with complete love in his eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked softly.

I snorted. "Like you need to ask." I pulled him down and kissed him lovingly, the love in his eyes pouring into the kiss. We pulled away as we saw people with instruments coming in. No doubt it was the band.

Harry smiled at me. "Want to get out of here?" he asked.

"Yeas, before our eardrums shatter," I replied, emitting a quiet laugh from him.

We walked out of the gym together, and Harry led me somewhere past our dorm room.

"Harry, where are we- Wow!" I said as I saw the scenery. We were in the grassy area of Auradon Prep, and there were fairy lights everywhere. There were candles with covers with holes on top of them in the grass, and I was completely blown away. I turned away from him and admired everything, taking in the twinkle of the stars in the night sky.

"Harry, did you do all of this?" I asked in disbelief. I turned around and gasped at what I was seeing.

Harry was kneeling on the ground with a box containing a ring in his hand.

"(Y/n) Pan, will you marry me?"

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