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"Haru-chi's orders are to train you and the others to protect each other and protect the leader Kuro-chi are you worthy of your current position as Vice President?" 


Izana felt like a vein was about to pop he was about to say something but someone spoke first "Hah?! Are you doubting Ouroboros' own leader's decision?" Raijin countered 

"You got it wrong I'm not doubting his decision but is he really ready to be Ouroboros' number two? Like can he really protect him? Can he protect those who Take-chi cares about?" 

Izana had enough he rushed towards him and kicked him but that was blocked "oh? Did I offend you? Sorry I was just testing. Your really fast" Izana backed up two feet away from him "-but how long can that stamina keep up?" Kaede almost punched him but Izana blocked it before it was able to hit, he was thrown back "hm that's new....I only met few who can block my attacks and I wasn't even holding back. Your an interesting person Kuro-chi! Keep it up!" 

Kaede smiled "tch man shut up that punch of yours is nothing I can't handle you know!" Izana rushed towards him and the fight continued 


The fight ended with Izana on the floor "you fought well Kuro-chi but we really need to do something with your stamina. Your strong, and fast but you get tired easily which will lead you to your downfall"

Kaede helps him back up "go and take a rest. You did great Kuro-chi. Alright next up is Sen-chi! Let's see what you got!" 

"Sorry is Kawaragi Senju here?" The voice came from someone who just randomly bursts through the door "Dari-chi what are you doing here?" 

"Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Tatsuya Midari nice too meet you. I'm here to pick up Kawaragi and Inui" 

"Dari-chi? Are you going to train them?" Kaede asked not that he doesn't trust her it's just that her trainings are like torture Kaede is just worried about them they're just teenagers "Of course I am what do you think you can handle all of them? Kaede don't worry I'll go easy on them! Now then which one is Senju and Seishu?" 

Senju and Inui moved forward. Senju looked at her in amusement while Inui just had that bored expression he have 

She took both their wrist and leads them out of the room "expect Sachiro-kun to take someone called Mitsuya and Hakkai bye now~~" 

Kaede sighed "that bitch I swear- anyways Mitsu-chi and Kai-chi you better be ready Hiro-chi has no experience in teaching....please try to bear with him yea? Hiro-chi is shy sometimes" 

————Meanwhile with Rei 

"Rei-kun! Here he is! I'll leave you two be so you can talk. I have lots to do~!" Hanamizaki was dragging someone beside him when they got near Rei Hanamizaki left them both on the hallway 

"Just call me Rei...." Hayato started even though he likes being quiet and being invisible he hates it when people stares at him for too long 

"Murasaki Hotaru, you already met my brother earlier. How long exactly have you trained with that Katana of yours? And how old are you?" 

"Seven years already. I'm sixteen now I earned my katana at the age of 9 was given to me by my mother" 

"I see..." Hotaru started to walk the other direction Rei followed along 


"Get up Takemichi!" Takemichi tries to get up only to stubble back down Haru helps him up "Remember why your fight and who your fighting for and who are you trying to protect. Tell me why are you fighting?" 

"I fight to protect them. I fight so I can bring back my friend. I fight because I have a promise to fulfill" Takemichi's determination is back Haru smiled softly "your surrounded with people who cares about you. Your no longer alone as you used to be, you were strong back then remember? I know your afraid but you can't run away from who you really are....your strong Michi remember it" Haru hugged him tightly 

Takemichi tears up and few seconds later he starts sobbing uncontrollably Haru tries his best to comfort his little brother


"Thank you so much for training us!" They bowed to the people who trained them, who sharpened their fighting style. Haru and his friends smiled at them and waved goodbye 

"Bye and Goodluck you all of you! Don't die out there!" Hanamizaki said as they started to leave and drive off 

They stopped at a ramen shop for lunch. They sat down on one of the tables no-one was speaking so Takemichi decided to break the silence they were having "How was the trainings?" 

"Midari-san's trainings are fucking torture!" Senju said Inui nodding "but she did take us out shopping so all is good! Inui got new heels though how in hell do you even fight in heels?! Even I can't do that!" 

Inui chuckled "it's actually quite easy-" Inui was cut of by Senju "easy?easy!? When I tried on wearing heels I started falling every time I walk. That's when I decided I would never wear heels ever again!" Their conversation keeps on getting better and better. Seeing them laughing together Takemichi's heart felt warm he somehow felt at home. "Let's sent them a war declaration" they turned their heads to face Takemichi in shock at what they just heard "right now?!" Takemichi nodded 

——————Kanto Manji Gang

"Boss a gang named Ouroboros sent us a war declaration" Kokonoi said

"Ouroboros huh....who's their leader?" Mikey asked even tho he have this gut feeling that it's 'him' he wanted a conformation

"Hanagaki Takemichi I've sent someone to get some info about them. And I did gain some interesting information. They currently have 50 members. The executives are captains from former Toman, Kawaragi Senju, Taiju Shiba, Inui Seishu and there 4 unknown executives" Kokonoi answered 

"I knew it he's back.......the final battle will be on the 9th of September. It will take place on the old cargo bay!" 


"Izana...." Takemichi leans on his shoulder and Izana just lets him "I'm scared again....." Izana took a glance at him and back to the sunset "i know, I can feel you shaking"

"Do you think we'll win?" 

"Of course we will. I'm sure we will, there's no doubt about it"

"Ahem, sorry to interrupt boss it's time" Rei bowed slightly Takemichi looked up at Izana once more then turned to the other "Right then let's go. Izana-kun I'm going to expect your epic entrance later!" And with that Takemichi left with Rei

Takemichi with his executives except for Izana, Ichikawa Brother and Rei and with 50 members of former Toman they rode their bike to the place where the final battle will take place 

'Let's settle this once and for all Sano Manjiro!'



Ya'll I'm so proud of Takemichi rn! I have no Idea how to express it

Ya'll I'm so proud of Takemichi rn! I have no Idea how to express it

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