Chapter 12: End :D

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For the past few months everything has been going great Kokonoi and Inui's relationship is slowly build up once again. Senju and Sanzu gets along well nowadays Takeomi would visit from time to time. Sanzu and Hayato surprisingly get along in somethings they have in common but still they would glare at each other when passing the halls and stuff, Senju chuckled at this whenever she would caught them having a little contest of the littlest of things, occasionally she would join them on their little contest. As for the Haitani brothers well they got some help from someone unexpectedly took them in. Part-time working at a restaurant with the Kawata wasn't that bad from their experience. Madarame managed to work for Taiju in his bar

And now the Ichikawa brothers invited some of them (Izana, Kakucho, Mikey, Inui, Kokonoi, Sanzu, Hayato, and both Haitanis) 

"So Izana when are you going to confess?" Mikey asked out of the blue when their orders arrived Izana accidentally chocked on his drink "What!?"

"Come on man, it's been 10 yrs already" Ryūjin said to which Inui agreed and said "Please end my suffering, they have been pinning each other for 10 yrs and we had to watch" 

"We've been dating for 3 goddamn years!? The fuck are you talking about?" Izana was close to crushing the glass of water he's holding right now "FUCKING EXUSE ME!?" Ryūjin said

Hayato, Rāijin, Kakucho, Rindou, Ran, Kokonoi, Inui, and Mikey stared at him in shock "SERIOUSLY!?" Ran yelled out 

"Yes, seriously. I'm actually planning to propose to h-" Izana was cut off my them "WHAT!?" 

Izana takes a sip of soup from his ramen before continuing "As I was saying. I'm going to propose to him soon" Izana looked at them satisfied why you may ask it's because the past few months they have been trying a bit too hard to get Takemichi and Izana together, hell even Mikey has put some effort in this, though Takemichi might not realize it, Izana did and he decided to mess with them a little giving them little hints 

Izana was satisfied by what their faces look "I already picked out a ring. I just have to find the right moment to propose" 

"WAIT, WAIT A FUCKING MOMENT!" Rindou, Sanzu, Rāijin said simultaneously. Koko felt like a huge rock just fell on his head causing a huge headache

Hayato passed out and almost fell on the ground if it weren't for Ran grabbing his arm "Oi! Kazunoha!!" 

"We've been trying to get you two together for the past few months and now you tell us your together for 3 damn years!?" Mikey wanted to throw the table at Izana right now 

Izana smirks "I must say, thank you for your 'not really needed' effort to try to get Michi and I" 

"And back to what I was saying-" 

"Izana, stop switching topics!" 









At the end of the night Izana told them how Takemichi and him got together. After paying they just decided to go home for Izana have caused them a headache and they're probably still in shock 

When Inui and Koko came home,  Koko flops himself down on the sofa while Inui sat down on the other side of the sofa. The black haired man move himself so that his head can be on Inui's lap "who would have thought that those two was already dating" Inui chuckled as his hands made their way on Koko's hair and slowly starts playing with it "if you could've seen them pinning for each other. Maybe your hair would grow white from the stress of watching those two" Inui said jokingly, Koko stared up at Inui "I love you, Seishu. I really do....I'm so fucking sorry for hurting you back then"

Inui didn't say a word causing Koko to sit down still looking at the other "I'm so sorry I left, Seishu.....I love you and only you..." 

"What took you so long dumbass?" Inui mutters "What? Sorry could you repeat that?" 

Inui started to cry a little which made Koko worried "ah...Seishu wait- don't cry. I'm sorry this must be a bad timing-" koko was cut off by a pair of lips crashing on to his when Inui pulled away he hugged Koko ever so tightly "took you so long Hajime....but it was worth the wait" 

Koko hugged back "thank you for waiting for me, my love" 





"Welcome home 'Zana" Takemichi said when Izana entered their room "oh? What got you so smug hm?" he commented when he saw his boyfriend smirking. Izana didn't say anything and continue to change his clothes, when he laid down on the bed he wrapped his arms around Takemichi's waist since the other was sitting down and reading a book "you know how our dear friends have been trying to get us together?" 

"They are? But we've been together for 3 years almost 4. They didn't need to do that" Takemichi said he didn't know that their friends have been doing that 

"Then on our little dinner hangout they confronted me. Telling me to stop pinning and just go for it" Takemichi chuckled "is that so? Then what" 

"I surprised them by telling them were already dating. Hayato passed out. I think Koko was starting to have a headache. Manjiro was close to throwing something at me, I could feel it. And the others they froze, probably still processing what I said. Their faces were hilarious"

Takemichi closed his book, puts it back on the nightstand and closed the lights. He laid down on the bed and Izana was able to cuddle him properly now, takemichi also cuddled him "I could tell. This was your plan all along, isn't it?" 

"You know me so well" Izana kissed his forehead "I love you so much, Michi" 

"I love you too, Izana"

"Mark my words you will have my last name" 

"Propose to me first idiot"

And with that they slept in each other's arms












(Mark my words I will have vengeance) :D

I'm finally done! 

Here's a bonus: 

"EMMA! SHIN-NII! COULD YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!? He didn't even bother telling me first! Some brother he is! Tch! Seriously the fuck is with his timing!? Wait....he planned this didn't he! Oh that fucker! I better be best man in their wedding!" 

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