Chapter 9: Garden of Flowers

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Rain was starting to fall. Even the sky was crying, the sound lightning stricking and as thunder roared. Silence falls over both gangs, it was quite yet it seemed so loud 

Silent tears came pouring down. The some of the lower members of Kanto Manji Gang left and some stayed 

Chifuyu kneeled down his legs couldn't keep him standing anymore, his head on the ground on top of that he slammed his fist on the ground devastated 

Not one could utter a single word, they couldn't move. "Come back to us Mikey....." when the other heard that Mikey kneeled down to take him in his arms but Izana already carried him and slowly gave him to Rei and ordered the other to take the truck and get him to the hospital and hurry 

"THIS WAR IS OVER KANTO! OUROBOROS WINS! KANTO MANJI GANG IS NOW DISBANDED!" Sanzu stated looking over at his sister who was now on the ground looking all devastated "GO! DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT!" Kokonoi was surprise at this

Senju was starting to have a panic attack. Sanzu kneeled down and pulled her into a hug, he's not good at comforting but he can't just leave his sister having a panic attack at a place like his 

"Hold it fuckers!" Ran yelled out "We're staying! Rindou and I are staying. The gang is disbanded but it was one of Kanto Manji Gang's member that shot Ouroboros' leader. We're taking responsibility" Nahoya almost tackled the other if it wasn't for his twin holding him back 

The others from Kanto Manji Gang higher ups agreed on staying same goes with Mikey 

The Ichikawa brothers approached Izana who was staring at the ground "Kurokawa Izana as the Vice President of Ouroboros make your call" the oldest of the two said 

"Inui" he said it wasn't loud but it was hearable, Inui stepped forward "find him..." Inui didn't hear it at first "FIND THAT GOD DAMN BASTARD WHO SHOT TAKEMICHI!" Izana fell on the ground slowly his tears started to roll down "please....." he muttered the higher ups of Kanto manji gang especially the former Tenjiku where shocked at this Izana barely shows any emotion when they were still at Tenjiku 

"You can count on me Kurokawa-San" Inui bowed his hands on his back 

Slowly sirens were heard from the distance "Ouroboros get out of here! Now!" Raijin said the lower members of Ouroboros started to leave some of the higher ups left on to go to the hospital 

Sanzu runs his hand through Senju's hair. Senju started mumbling apologies "shhhh Senju it's's ok....but you have but you have to leave" 

Senju gripped on his gang uniform tightly "no, no no I don't want to leave you please....I'm sorry please don't leave me" Senju started crying more "I can't bring you to the juvie......I don't want you in a place like that....Ichikawa was it? Pass me a message to me yea? Tell that guy Rei? That's he's name right? Well tell him to take care of Senju for me....."Sanzu started to get up while carrying Senju "no no please no...." Ryūjin took Senju from Sanzu "you better make it up to her when you get out of juvie" Sanzu nodded 

"Raijin! pick up Izana let's go!" Raijin helped Izana up and they started to leave


"Those guys are one of a kind aren't they brother?" Rindou said "indeed they are..." 

When the cops arrived and arrested the higher ups of Kanto Manji Gang. Here they are again back to the juvie. Maybe after their sentence they'll finally find fitting jobs or live normally 

————— at the juvie ———

Kazutora jumped from his seat the book on his hand almost fell on the floor "fuck?!" He muttered. They noticed the familiar Black hair with blonde highlights they sat down beside him and started to eat Kazutora pointed at the newcomers "what the hell are you guys doing here?!" 

"Surprise!" Hanma puts his arm around Kazutora but the other removed it "we're here because we got captured after the war between Kanto Manji and Ouroboros"

"Ouroboros? What kind of gang is that?" 

"Hanagaki's their leader. It was supposed to be just a fight no one was suppose to get shot...and die" 

"Takemichi's dead?" Kazutora asked 

"We're not yet sure.....but he was still breathing when they took him to the hospital so maybe?" Hanma answers. Kazutora accidentally bends the fork he was holding "who did it?" Kazutora's smiling but the those eyes "calm your ass down you know he's going to live" 

"Kazutora what's your relationship with Takemitchi?" This time it was Mikey who asked "I'll let you on a little backstory. It's a long one still wanna hear it?" 

"We're going to be here in a span of 10 years I think we have the time" Ran answered 


At the hospital Izana was pacing back and forth, Inui's hands were shaking, Hakkai was trying to calm himself when they just saw lot of surgeons rushed to the operating room, Hayato was also trying to calm himself silently, because he didn't want to wake Senju up. All of them praying silently that Takemichi would live through this 

When the surgeons started to leave the room few minutes later the doctor gets out of the room they looked at him their faces clearly saying "well? Is he still alive!?" 

"Hanagaki Takemichi is......." 



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