chapter3(the feeling)

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It's been a few months now and that I have an dark angel in my house. It's been crazy a past these few months with the police zack trying to kill someone that he won't tell me and I'm scared if one day I will die. But let's not talk about that or worry so I'm going downstairs and I see zack. He was cooking food for breakfast he was making the house smell good. So we sat down and I started to talk to him about what we are going to do these few days since my birthday is coming soon. But when he grabbed my hand my heart started to feel different like it was something. But I let go of his hand and went upstairs to change for work while I was changing I thought I saw someone. But It was nothing so after  I changed I went downstairs  and saw a big portal  that somone was grabbing me. Zack tried to get me but it was to late in that portal was a dark world for dark angels I was so scared. But there was this one dark angel that looked like zack but once I saw the king of dark angels I gasped. They turned me in and put me in a cell.

To be continued..

I hope you enjoying :3

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