chapter8(the birth)

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Once I went to the hospital  it was killing me inside I couldn't  breathe
It even hurts also. This wasn't a normal baby.

The baby  had black wings Just like Zackary wings. I only has a few minutes to live. Zackary started  to see is he can save me in time but it was to late. The baby was crying in his arms.

Instead  he worried about the baby  and let the doctors and nurses take care of me. After a few hours later Zackary  asked the doctors if I survived.

The doctor said" I'm sorry for your lost she lost a lot of blood" Zackary  started to cry with  the baby in his hands.

While his friend grabs the baby from Zackary. He ran out the hospital  and spreading  his wings and he flew away. A few years later the baby aka Alexandra was 5 years old.

Zackary  did everything  but also Alexandra been always  asking where mom was Zackary friend said that she was on a vacation. Until one day Alexandra  knew that I wasn't on vacation. So she sneaked out the house and Zackary  saw her. So he started to follow her to my body when Alexandra found my body she heard someone  she looked away.

After she looked back she saw my body gone. She started  to cry and ran back home to tell Zackary that my body was gone. Zackary knew who would take me.

He told his friend to take care of Alexandra. Alexandra  said"let me come with you dad I want to help you find mom what if she still alive" Zackary looked at Alexandra  Zackary  said "no it's too dangerous  even when my crazy brother took her I want you safe"

So Zackary opened  the portal  to the unknow world. And went to go find me. But then he saw Zackary  on the temple he was the ruler of the angels now.

But what he saw was not good.he saw me as the queen of angels. He knew I turned evil that Zackary  made me evil.

To be continued...

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