chapter 10(the little girl)

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When I saw the little girl that looked just like me but with black wings. I was so surprised to see Zack child looking at me crying. I wonder why she was crying and running to me, but then she hugged me, calling me mom..

I didn't know what to say until Zack  came up to me and also hugged me

But I broke the hug asking who's child is that
Zack  said, "She's our child, don't you remember ?" I looked at her, and she had my eyes. I never thought she would come back to me after all these years. I am too happy to see her.

I took a deep breath and looked at both of them, Why did you guys come and save me? I could have hurt yall.
They both looked at me, "Well, we couldn't  leave you.." Zack  said.

I said "well next time, just be careful. Please, you guys could have been killed

Zack and the girl both looked at me crying,
"Okay, I just hope you are okay, momma," the little girl said

Let's just go home and rest for tonight.
I said

They smiled, and we all went into the portal and took a nice relaxing nap.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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