chapter6( the pregnancy)

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So I saw Zack and he was healed I went to him and cried of joy so did he. But I woke up and it was just a dream it was February 17, 2005. And it's been few years ever since Zackary. But I didn't worry about that I was worried because I was sick I went to the bathroom in the morning and threw up. Zack came to check up on me and he said if everything was OK I said that I just threw up and it was probably what happened last night. Zack went to get a pregnancy test to make sure he didn't make me pregnant. So I took it and a few minutes later the results were. I was pregnant I start to cry at first and be happy at the same time but Zack  wasn't happy it's like he didn't want me to get pregnant. He told me he was sorry I was confused I said why are you sorry he said that getting a human pregnant will be hard for that human because given birth to an angel or half human angel will kill you. I start to think and I said I do care about my life but I want this child I always have wanted this child with you. So Zack  and I went to get food but something was off with him it's like he's not him self. So I fell asleep in my dream there was an angel that angel said that I can make a choice the first choice was to given birth to the child and give them my soul or to make the child an human and make me an angel. I didn't know what to choose but then Zack  woke me up and said that we are here and I looked behind me and saw Zack  I thought I was going crazy or am I going nuts.

To be continued ...

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