Chapter 3: Somewhere Else

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Peter's POV:

Laying low sucks.

Mr. Stark said that they'll call me when they need me, whoever 'they' are.

It had been a few days. I told May that I had the flu so I could stay home. Not being at school didn't matter much to me anymore, but it did make me bored out of my mind.

Happy still hasn't responded. Mr. Stark hasn't stopped by with a mission. I haven't seen Y/N in a while.

If it were just Happy telling me to stay home, I probably wouldn't have listened to him, but Tony Stark was telling me to stay home.

The same Tony Stark who made me a new suit. Who flew me to Berlin to fight with the Avengers. Who basically made me an Avenger.

I couldn't just disobey him.

But I had to see Y/N.

I've had a few days to think about my feelings. To really evaluate everything. I can't really talk to anyone about her, because no one knows what we've been through together. They can't know.

I think I have to see her again. To really see how she makes me feel.

I didn't realize it, but I was staring across the room at my suit. May was going to be gone at the soup kitchen for the night, so there wasn't a better time then now.


"Happy when is Tony coming back?" I asked, as I walked in the living space.

"...Kid the answer is the same as the last 50 times, I don't know," Happy said exasperated. I frowned.

"How long does it usually take to clear one's record?" I asked.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I don't know, you haven't done this before?"


"Okay. I'll ask again in an hour," I joked, walking towards my favorite spot.

"You better not!" he yelled after me.

I reached the room at the end of the hall and gently opened the large dark brown doors. Inside was a spot I had gotten comfortable with.

 Inside was a spot I had gotten comfortable with

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(Kinda like this)

I closed the doors so that I could truly feel alone in such a large room. Without my phone, I got entertainment through dissociation, just staring off and thinking.

I ran and jumped onto one of the most comfortable couches I had ever sat on, and the feeling of quick joy that flooded my senses reminded me of Peter.

I stopped.

I missed him.

This past week felt like a month. I had never known how much missing someone feels like forever.

I walked over to the balcony doors to get some fresh air. My heart was beating rapidly, as it always did when I thought of him.

As I stepped out, I closed my eyes to breathe. The city sounds were not new to me, but they felt different.

I was different.

It almost felt like Peter was with me, the more I breathed in and out. It was such a strange sensation, as if he was next to me, watching me.

"Hey!" Peter said cheerfully. I nearly jumped.

"Peter!" was all I could say. I felt a little embarrassed.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" he asked.

"Of course I am. But I could have used a warning you know," I remarked.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked as I glanced at my watch.

"Aren't you in school right now?" I took him in. My heart started up again, as he crouched on the ledge in his suit, staring at me.

"Well yeah, but technically I have the flu," he said winking. I took a step back.

"No no, not really. I just told my aunt that so I didn't have to go," he explained, moving closer.

"Oh. Why don't you want to go?" I asked.

"Is Mr. Stark here?" he asked, ignoring my question.

"Uh, no. I haven't seen him in a while," I admitted.

"That's okay. I, uh, came to talk to Happy," he said unsure, and started to walk past me towards the door. A thought came over me and I pushed myself in front of him to block the exit.

"You can't!" I said quickly. He took off his mask and seeing his eyes this close gave me butterflies.

"Why not?"

"Because you aren't supposed to be here. Tony said he didn't want you coming here. I'm not sure why," I said, truthfully. I really did not want to get in more trouble than I already was.

"I think I'm grounded," I added, almost forgetting.

"Okay, but if he doesn't know that I'm here..." Peter said, moving my arm from the door.

"Happy is the head of security he will probably know if you are here, in fact, he probably already knows!" I whispered, looking around for cameras.

"If he already knows that I'm here he would have bursted through those doors already and..." he paused, zoning out.

"He's coming down the hallway," he suddenly said, as I looked back towards the doors, seeing the handle turn.

"Oh shit! Peter just—" but as I turned back to address him, he was already gone.

I looked back towards the door and exited the balcony.

"Y/N?" Happy asked, breathing heavy. I closed the balcony doors behind me and put on a smile.

"What is it Happy?" I asked.

"I got an alert that the terrace door had been breached...oh," he said, seeing that it was just me.

"Oh sorry about that. I just wanted some fresh air," I smiled. He seemed unsure.

"Alright...just let me know if you see anything suspicious. And try not to go out there anymore," he said, and I nodded. He walked away and closed the door on his way out. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was close," Peter said, appearing behind me with his mask on again.

"Where did you go?" I asked turning to him.

"I have my ways," he said, folding his arms in confidence. I rolled my eyes.

"So...I guess hanging out here isn't such a great plan," he said, reopening the balcony doors.

"Yeah, but I'm so bored here! I just want to leave," I sighed, going over to him.

"Well then..." he said, suddenly grabbing hold of my waist.

"Let's go somewhere else," he exclaimed, shooting a web out the doors and jumping off the edge with me.

The Force Between Us Sequel (PeterParkerXReader)Where stories live. Discover now