Chapter 6: Admirations

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Y/N's POV:

After I came home, Happy was well, not happy. I tried to gaslight him and tell him I was there the whole time. His words spoke that he didn't believe me, but his micro expressions showed that he probably wasn't very thorough when checking the building.

"Happy I swear I was just exploring the tower! How would I even go anywhere?" I lied, trying to hide my smirk.

"I don't know kid, you tell me!" he snapped back. I couldn't tell if he actually cared or was just trying to do his job.

I settled on a little bit of both.

"I leave for one second and you're already at each other's throats?" a familiar voice beckoned from the entrance. We both turned to see the genius billion playboy philanthropist himself.

I smiled subconsciously.

"You're back! Does that mean everything's been figured out?" I asked eagerly.

"Well I did my best, and of course, it was good enough. Everything's been worked out, kid," he said, sauntering towards us.

"Tony she left the building today, I couldn't find her anywhere!" Happy reported, and I rolled my eyes.

"I was here the whole—"

"She's here now and the world didn't explode," Tony dismissed.

"But Tony—"

"Drop it please Happy," he said lightly. Happy nodded and stormed out of the room. I felt kinda bad for him.

"So, did the kid stop by?" Tony asked, pouring himself a drink. My face turned red instantly but I turned slightly away from him so he couldn't see.

"Ah, nope. I guess he's been busy with school and all," I said.

"I highly doubt he's too busy to try and see you," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, knowing what he meant now, but curious as to his response.

"You two care for each other, right?"

"Yeah I guess."

He shrugged and took a sip.

"Soooo, about school?" I treaded. He leaned on the counter and gave me a look.

"You're still on about that? I mean come on you are the only kid I know that WANTS to go to school," he said.

"How many kids do you know?" I asked.

"Is this about Peter?" he asked, maintaining eye contact as he brought the glass back up to his mouth.

"What? of course not why would it be about Peter?" I asked, cringing internally at my reaction.

"No reason...but since you asked, I've so graciously gone ahead and registered you for Midtown High School next week," he stated.


"Yep. If you don't maintain good grades your getting pulled, understand?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly. I wanted to hug him, but I didn't feel like we were there yet.


I couldn't sleep the whole night. I texted Peter after I got my phone back about the good news and he responded quickly and excitedly. I had almost forgotten what had conspired between us as we texted since it was all so natural.

parker <3

that's awesome!! now we will get to spend like everyday together! ill show you all my classes and we can sit at lunch together and you could join the decathlon, but only if you wanted to of course


decathlon sounds fun! i can't even wait an entire week, I'm so excited!

He stopped responding suddenly. Did I say something wrong? I had already told him it was going to be a week from now, and he hadn't even read my message yet.

I decided to try and fall asleep since it was pretty late, even if I just laid staring at the ceiling in the dark.

After a few minutes, my phone buzzed and I immediately went to check it.

parker <3

Let me in!

I rubbed my eyes, assuming I had read the message wrong, but I hadn't.

I jumped out of my bed excitedly and quietly raced towards the balcony.

I closed the door behind my quietly and turned to see him standing through the glass with his phone in hand and his suit on.

The moonlight made him barely visible against the night sky, but the slight sight of him thrilled me.

I rushed while giggling towards the door to unlock and open it.

The moment it opened, his mask was already off and he kissed me. It was slightly unexpected, and thus released such a fluttering feeling in my stomach. We pulled away and he smiled at me.

"I couldn't wait."

More butterflies.

Peters POV:

She spent the next few hours in my arms on the couch as we talked about anything and everything. It was finally a chance for us to really know who the other was.

She told me everything about her powers, and her life before the Avengers. She told me how she always dreamed of becoming a successful business woman who was financially independent and owned her own company.

She wanted to go to Brown and move into a home in the woods away from everyone. I loved listening to her.

Every glance in her direction made my heart
flutter with anticipation of our next interaction.

Talking with her was so effortless, and the more I learned about her and her personality made me feel closer to her than I had ever been to anyone.

She always smelled like apples, which I liked before but now I considered them my favorite fruit by far.

I could stare and study her face forever if I could.

Instead, I steal small glances of admiration when she isn't looking. 

Her face was the kind of face you are familiar with. Either because you'd seen it in museums and paintings or hanging on billboards for everyone to be in awe of.

Her smile was slightly lopsided one that caused her eyes to squint slightly. Her laugh mirrored this beautiful look. She looked so joyful when she laughed, like a child at Disneyland. She looked perfectly pretty when she smiled or laughed, because she didn't hide anything. She let go.

I can only hope she knows how perfect she is.

If not, I'll remind her. I'll be the one to tell her everyday how perfect she is.

She deserves nothing less.

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