Oh, there's a party?

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The rest of the day was fairly easy. When I returned home, I was immediately knocked out on my bed. My mom was not at home; in fact, she didn't show up that evening at all.

I ordered a large pizza to last us a couple of days. That was until I decided to invite Cassidy over. We ended up eating the entire box on our own.

We sat and gossiped about our day, then watched TV and sobbed while watching 'The Notebook.' She had no intention of sleeping over, but she never really does. We passed out on the couch after going through what looked to be all five stages of grief.

But, that was two weeks ago.

Nothing interesting happened throughout those two weeks. My mom has yet to let me to use the car. I've been living off of complete junk food and only using Ubers and Cassidy to get to work. Don't worry, I pay her gas money.

But, Cassidy can't always take me. She has her own responsibilities. For example, she works as a waiter in a high-end restaurant. And let me tell you something: Cass in that uniform? She pulls all of the guys. She never really has the time to drive me everywhere.

Lexi hasn't said anything to me yet. She hasn't even shown up for lunch. I'm quite sure she skips it because I occasionally catch her glancing at me in the halls.

Hannah (her sister) has made her own freshman friends and therefore doesn't sit with us either.

Apart from Lexi and Hannah, our lunch table is still the same.

Chris and his friends are still finding reasons to sit at our table.

This time, their reason is "they don't want us to be "alone".

"This book is actually ass," Jamie says as she slams it down on the table. "I'd rather take chemistry all over again than read this."

His comment makes me roll my eyes. "Only the son of a chemist would say that. No one in their right mind would retake chem on purpose." I scoff, moving my hand to grab the book off the table. "'Looking for Alaska,'" I remark openly "I didn't mind reading this last year. It wasn't that bad." I shrug, passing it over to Cassidy.

"I loved that book!" Cassidy exclaims.

"Really? I despise it." Jamie heaves a sigh. His expression plainly revealed how unhappy he was.

"If you want, I can read it with you," she says. "I don't mind."

Yeah. She doesn't mind reading with him because of that girly crush she has on him. It's actually quite adorable. She can't seem to get enough of him.

Jamie and I are obviously not as close, but it's clear he enjoys talking about her too. It's always about how nice she is or how soft her hair seems to be.

If someone adored me the same way Jamie adores Cass, I think I'd end up in a love coma.

Jamie almost jumps out of his seat with excitement. "Really?" he asks, his eyes wide. "I think we should go to the library." He says with enthusiasm.

"Right now?" Cass asks, matching his excitement. He nods and grabs his bag off the floor.

I grin at the way the two react to each other. Like two little lovebirds scared to finally form a nest with each other. "I'll see you later love," Cassidy says to me, blowing me a kiss. I wave at them, my smile never leaving my face as I turn back to the others.

Hawk looks up at the lights above us, then back at us. "Oh, I completely forgot." When he begins, we all shift our attention to him. "I'm not gonna be here for a couple of days."

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