She's not my girlfriend

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I move quickly and press on their reservation.

Room 18

"Okay, your room is on the third floor, room 18. It's located right by the rest of your family." I struggle to my feet and move to retrieve two key cards. I hold the cards out to them waiting for someone to grab them. "If you lose these, just let us know and we'll replace them... I'm supposed to tell you about the place..."

"We've got time," Hawk states as he takes the cards from my grasp and stuffs them into the pockets of his sweatpants while maintaining his gaze locked on me.

That seems familiar.

At least it wasn't me who put them in his pocket this time, right?

I look at his parents and see them eagerly waiting for me to brag about how great the place is.

I smile, purposely avoiding eye contact with bird boy. "Okay, well, we have the indoor pool and gym behind you. Both places are open from 6 in the morning till midnight."

I pause to retrieve a piece of paper from one of the folders. The paper is the same as the one I hand to the other guests who check-in. "We have all the exciting stuff behind me, such as the arcade, theater, basketball court, and, most importantly, the banquet. The one you will all be using for the wedding."

"ARCADE??? Can we go now, Mom? I've been bored all day." The little boy complains, tapping his mom. He waits for her approval with eager anticipation.

"Let her finish Dyl." His dad says from behind him. He rests his palm on the child's head to keep him from jumping.

"Because there's so much to remember, all the times are on this sheet. But it's open right now, and it'll close at 12," I begin. I look at the boy and see as his face clearly lightens up.

"Hawk, Hawk, Hawk Let's go! Before it closes. Let's go."

"Wait Dylan, we still have time," Hawk responds, slowly stepping away from him. I giggle softly under my breath.

"Can we go after?" he insists.

Hawk frowns at him, evidently annoyed. "Yeah yeah, we'll go later. Now let the girl finish; she's probably tired." He speaks in a gravelly tone.

They can't actually tell I'm tired, right? If they can, that's bad.

I shift my attention away from his statement and continue to explain. "You may enter through that door-" I point to a door that's far down from my right that leads "To get to the outdoor pool, hot tub, outdoor gym, and tennis court," I say, taking in a deep breath. "Any questions?" I ask finally, obviously tired of repeating the same thing to every group.

"What time do you get off?" Hawk blurts out.

"Kiari Malachai." his mom hits his arm and he flinches away.

"I'm kidding. You know that, right..." he pretends to look at my name tag as if he wasn't sure what my name was. "Right Venuus?"

Real smooth.

"Twelve," I answer.

His eyes go wide "Twelve? Jesus, don't you have school tomorrow?"

What is this, 20 questions?

"Kiari, stop it with the questions." His mom says, clearly embarrassed that her son is very outspoken. "We'll be on our way now, thank you very much." She says this as she pushes Hawk away from the desk. If it had been up to him, he would have stayed here all night bothering me.

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