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After two weeks of drowning in wedding planning, in a good way, I had made my way back to California, arriving home late last night and passing out immediately.

Now, the steam fills the bathroom as I step into the shower, letting the hot water fall over me and relax my tense and stressed body. After scrubbing the dirt and filth away, I get out, moisturize, and dress in leggings and a tee, pulling on socks before making breakfast.

Joe and I haven't talked the past few days. Things got crazy with wedding planning and I'm assuming they got busy working on their relationship. Plus, the time difference didn't aid us in any way.

This all being said, Joe's supposed to be coming back tomorrow and I can't help but feel butterflies swirl in my stomach. I've been missing him a lot, which is normal, of course. But I also think I've missed him a bit more than usual the past couple weeks.

Just as I finish piling the food onto my plate, the front door's lock clicks. I look over, confused as the door swings open and Joe drops his suitcase on the floor near the door.

"Miss me?" he grins, his arms outstretched by his sides.

A smile spreads across my lips as I set down the plate, I was prepared to bring to the center island, quickly walking across the room and engulfing him in a hug. His arms wrap around my waist in return, squeezing me to his warmth.

"I missed you so much," I mumble into his neck and I feel as his smile widens.

"I missed you too," he says, taking in a deep breath and pulling away from the hug, gesturing to my plate. "I'm sorry to interrupt breakfast."

"Do you want some?" I ask, glancing from the plate to him.

He shakes his head. "No, no. I grabbed something at the airport, I was starving. Expected you to have already eaten, though."

"I slept in today. After traveling and all," I shrug, walking over to the plate and sitting at the island before beginning to eat.

"Ahh," he nods, sitting across with me with a wide, excited grin.

I attempt to ignore it, taking a few bites as he stares at me. I then lick my lips. "What's the grin for?"

"I'm so glad you asked," he replies immediately, adjusting himself in his seat. "We're getting the band back together."

I cough, choking on the bite I had been in the middle of swallowing. "I'm sorry, I thought you said you didn't want that."

He nods, "I didn't."

I raise my brows, placing my fork next to my plate and giving him my full attention.

"But then we went on this trip, and we talked and talked, and we spent time together. Like, actually spent time together. We filled each other in on things that we didn't know had happened over the past few years, we had fun and then one night, out of nowhere... well, after a few drinks... we got out the guitars and played. And we loved it. We loved how it felt to play together again. So, I think I've changed my mind."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

His brows furrow.

"I mean, two weeks ago you were dead set on never getting the band back together. You said it wasn't worth the risk. It wasn't worth possibly breaking up again, your current career with DNCE, your relationship altogether with Nick and Kevin. And now, you want to?"

He sighs, nodding. "I get where you're coming from. I think I even sense a bit of judgement."

"I'm not judging you. But I do know you."

"Okay, point of view. Go."

"Well, from my perspective, you hadn't spent time with them like that in a very long time and there was even barely a relationship anymore. Family dinners every few months, me and you would visit Kevin and the girls here and there and that was about it. But then you guys spend every moment of two weeks together and all of a sudden, you're in love with the idea of being a band again."

He nods.

"To me, it seems as though whichever situation you've been in, is what you want to continue. So, you didn't have a relationship, you didn't spend time, no band. You spend a bunch of time and have any sort of relationship as brothers again and you want the band," I explain to him.

He nods. "I see what you're saying. But that's just it."

I raise my eyebrows.

"We just spent the past two weeks spending non-stop time with one another and it was great. It was nothing like how it used to be, in a good way. It was healthy, it was fun, it was refreshing."

I raise my brows.

"I didn't know my relationship with my brothers could be healthy again and now that it is on a family relationship level, I think the band could really work..." he pauses. "Babe, I know this is a lot. I know that it's a sudden turnaround of opinion on my part. It's probably confusing and frustrating because we had this plan and now, I'm changing it. But I want to do this. I feel like this is the way to go not only for my relationship with my brothers but also for my career. I miss being on stage and having my brothers next to me. I didn't think I did, but I do. I miss the Jonas Brothers energy. Plus, DNCE would still be a thing. I wouldn't be quitting my own band; it would be adding another one on. Which sounds like a lot, but it would work. We would make it work."

I take a moment to soak in his words before I nod slowly. "Okay."

"Okay?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah. I mean, I told you before, Joe, if this is what you want, I'm all in. If you want to get the band back together and introduce the world of the Jonas Brothers to me, I'm here for it. I'm here to see it, feel it, live it with you."

He smiles. "We're getting the band back together."

I smile widely towards him. "You're getting the band back together." 


short chapter, I know. But it's an important one, obviously. 

what do you guys think? 

comment and vote please, I love you and thank you for all your support! 

all my love, 


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