thirty three.

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Never in my life did I imagine myself purposefully locking myself in my home for six weeks, but since we returned from Paris, the fear of someone noticing something different about me keeps me locked within the safety of our home. My only outdoor exposure is the backyard, but I can't complain, I've made the decision to stay home myself, no one forced me into it. In fact, Joe has attempted to get me to leave the house with him, but I've only denied his requests. That being said, he is home with me majority of the time. The only exception being the past couple of weeks as the boys have begun writing and recording their next album. They started on the road, so I was expecting them to start soon.

Only a day after we returned, I was able to get my blood drawn and we learned we're expecting a baby girl, making Joe undeniably excited. Something told me he wanted a girl, though he would never admit he was leaning more one way than another. 'As long as the baby is healthy' he was constantly telling me. The news of the gender of our baby had put Joe into full fledge preparation. He had already begun clearing out one of the spare rooms and started brainstorming a nursery. He tried to pull me into the task, but I simply stood there and listened to the ideas he had and then agreed with them. The only thing I did request was if her room was going to be pink, it wasn't that ugly baby pink that everyone tends to lean towards. A nice rose or mauve would be the only pink I'd accept, which Joe took very seriously, making sure the paint color was something I approved of before ordering.

As a way to try and force myself into being more involved, I go online and look for clothing more and more these days. Now knowing we're having a girl, I know what I can look for. I have also put myself up to the task of finding the furniture for her room, Joe agreeing to my input as I'm sure he just wants me involved.

My heartburn has decided to stick around over the past multiple weeks and honestly, I don't feel as though it's planning to leave anytime soon. My headaches have been awful, and I experience moments of dizziness, which is why Joe now has a rule about me going up and down the stairs when he's not home, in fear I'll fall. I finally have a small bump, which Joe has been enjoying, though I don't feel any movement yet. At least that I'm aware of. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing but according to my doctor I probably just don't know what it feels like and haven't recognized it as the baby.


I bite my lip, knowing I broke Joe's rule. I wasn't expecting him home so early. "Upstairs!"

He quickly climbs the stairs in response, walking into the bedroom to see me sitting against the headboard, my laptop in my lap and the comforter laid across my legs.

"You climbed the stairs," he says disapprovingly.

"I wanted to be in bed. Plus, in my defense you weren't supposed to know because I was going to go back down before you got home but you're here early."

He rolls his eyes, laying across the bed and giving me a look.

I sigh, a small smile playing on my lips as I move my laptop to the side, slide the blanket down just a little and lift my shirt to reveal the small belly that is now present.

He smiles, reaching out and placing a hand on my stomach, getting closer as he does so. "Hi there," he grins. "I honestly don't know if you can hear me yet, even though we have these little talks every day. But, here's the thing."

I find myself laughing lightly, leaning my head against the headboard and closing my eyes as I listen to him talk to my belly, something he's made a habit of doing.

"I am so beyond excited to meet you. You won't believe this but me and your mommy have surprisingly been able to keep this secret for this whole time and today, you're halfway done baking in mommy's belly so we better get a move on deciding when we're gonna tell everyone. Anyways, speaking of your mommy, she's still a bit unsure about being a mommy to begin with."

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