twenty one.

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I've got a long one for ya guys... comment what you think. I love hearing from you!


"How are you feeling?"

The words fall from my lips already knowing the answer, Joe's hands fumbling with one another nervously. The imaginary smoke coming from his ears is noticeable to the naked eye while all I see is the gears in his brain turning, getting stuck, and then forcing themselves forward again. They're going over all the different scenarios of what could happen in a few moments. Realistically, it could do nothing at all, not that I foresee that happening. That being said, however, the panic in his eyes shows that it may just be his worst fear at this moment.

"Joe," I call softly, reaching out and laying a hand on his.

His head snaps to look at me, blinking a few times to focus on my face instead of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

He shakes his head. "No, no, you're okay. I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore you."

"I didn't think you were," I pause, holding his hand in mine. "I see the thoughts racing around in that mind of yours. Are you worried it's not going to go well?"

He sighs. "I guess. I don't know. Kev's words just keep replaying in my mind. Is anyone going to even care?"

I laugh once, humorlessly. "Babe, I may not have grown up in the normal world of music but knowing everything I've learned, I find it extremely hard to believe that no one is going to care."

"All I can do is wonder if this was the right decision. I mean, in a few minutes, there is no going back. What if we drop the post or the song and everyone hates it? What if everyone wants nothing to do with the Jonas Brothers anymore?"

I stare into his eyes for a moment, a mixture of pure fear and worry filling them. This is what I was afraid of if I'm being honest. But I can't tell him that. Not now. He needs reassurance, not someone to tell him they were afraid he'd go down a spiral.

"Joe," I squeeze his hand. "No matter what happens when this post drops, you are the bravest person I know for giving this another shot to begin with. And as awful as this may sound, if it doesn't go well, that's okay. Because you don't need the music to do well. You and your brothers reconciled. You have a relationship again. A healthy relationship with your brothers. The music is a fun bonus, but that's what's really important."

His eyes soften immediately, pulling me into him and letting out a big breath. "You're amazing, you know that?"

I grin against his chest, nodding. "I have my moments."

I can almost feel him roll his eyes, though he doesn't push the conversation, knowing I'll never admit to being as amazing as he makes me out to be.

"We should get in there," I tell him, gesturing to the room where half the team and the majority of our friends and family sit, awaiting Joe's return to make their announcement.

He nods, letting out another deep breath. "All right, let's go."

We both stand, him eager grabbing my hand as he does so, squeezing it tighter than normal, the nerves still grasping onto his mind. We walk back into the room, both of us giving small smiles to those who notice our return.

"Are we ready?!" Kevin asks, hyped up on adrenaline.

"Let's do this." Nick nods, looking at Joe.

Joe nods in return, a small nervous grin on his face.

His grip gets tighter as they prepare to hit "post" and the three boys send each other one last glance before the post is sent.

I truly didn't think the air in the room could become thicker than it already was. However, when the post was publicized, the room fell silent, the boys' nerves so radiant you could almost see them as particles. Kevin now sits on the couch, Dani beside him with her hand resting on the top of his thigh. Nick sits in the small chair across from Joe and me, Priyanka standing behind him with her hand resting on his shoulder, her hand picking at the skin around her finger absentmindedly, and I sit propped on Joe's leg, our fingers intertwined and his opposite leg bouncing with anxiety.

Us. | A Joe Jonas FanFiction | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now