Chapter 1: Prison Is Home

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(CW/TW: Shows a toxic friendship and mild abusive topics both emotionally and physically)

Jon sat on the curbside silently crying to himself. He hadn't mean to do it, but the action is now irreversible and he can't take back what he once had.

It had been the early morning before it happened. As per usual Eduardo, Mark and himself had been outside mocking their neighbors and as usual Jon said something that would make Eduardo angry and hit him. It wasn't rare that Jon would get hit from Eduardo but it always it hurts and wonders why Eduardo would do this. After making fun of the neighbors the rest of the gang walked back into their homes continuing their day.

Although as they walked in however Eduardo immediately scolded Jon for embarrassing him and Mark. Jon didn't mean to and tried to explain to Eduardo about the situation, but the dark brunette man didn't want to hear another word of it, as Jon tried to defend his reasoning but Eduardo stood his ground as he stomped his foot to the floor, this caused Jon to immediately stop talking.

"You live under my roof" he hissed "You have no right to talk back to me as long as you live with me, Understand!'

Jon was prepared to speak but instead just nodded quickly.

" know you should be more like Mark, he respect the rules of my home and doesn't make a fool out of himself"

Mark raised his head up high showing pride in Eduardo's words. "You've got potential Jon don't waste your time being a fool" Eduardo spat at him

With that Eduardo went to his room and slammed the door violently. Jon looked at Mark with glossy eyes, but Mark huffed and turned his head away, crossing his arms.

"He has a point you know. I know you got guts Jon-" Mark said sounding sarcastic but being completely serious "-but you always say or do something that makes you look like a clown. You've got to toughen up and discipline yourself" He stepped closer to him and putting a finger on Jon's chest roughly "You aren't gonna survive in the real world like this. Better yourself ok" Mark's voice had a hint of passive aggressiveness to it.

With that Mark also walked towards his room. Jon just stood there tears forming in his eyes, he wiped them way trying to convince himself that they were right. After all this always happened and it was always his fault. Jon hated how pathetic he felt and he hated how weak he was compared to his friends. He hated everything about himself.

Later on in the afternoon, Jon was preparing lunch for himself and his roommates. Today was his turn to cook.

"Maybe if I can cook a good enough meal, they'll forget the whole ordeal and forgive me". Jon thought to himself as he was cutting celery. He smiled at the thought of his friends smiling again and accepting his apology. He'd do anything for them.

Jon was thinking of all of the good times he had with his roommates. It was very small but he still appreciated their kindness at moments. They still cared for him....right.

As Jon was deep in thought he accidentally cut his wrist with the large kitchen knife. He let out a loud yelp as it stung.

"Oh- oh no oh no" he panicked looking around the kitchen for something to clog the small wound, or a band-aid.

He searched the cabinets and cupboards for them and he had no success. Then he remembered that they were in the bathroom. He quickly made his way there to wash and clean the wound and open the lower cabinet under the sink for a band-aid. After putting it on he headed back to the kitchen to continue cooking but gasped in horror when he saw that the kitchen was splattered with drops of blood all over the place.

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