Side Story: Highschool History

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A/N: This is just a side story that fits the lore in this AU and will implement more in the future. Some Side Stories are in different timelines so for example this one happened in the past, and others might happen while another event takes place. Just gives you and in depth on some characters and their layers behind them.


"Well well look at the little nerd" mocked a taller teenage boy.

"He's so scrawny he can barely defend himself" another one said out, this one was a jock

"How about yous' give us your lunch money's" another said in a bronx accent

Jon cowered, his back against lockers. He had a dark blue t-shirt, brown shorts and blue laces.  It wasn't rare for him to get bullied in Middle school, something always happens every day and no matter how hard he'd try to stop it or tell the teachers it always keeps happening and the endless torment continues.

"But it's all I have for today.." he sniffled, tears welling up in his eyes. "Well guess you're gonna starve micro shrimp" the main bully says

"Awww is lil' micro shrimp gonna cry? Is he gonna's be a huge baby" the teenager with the bronx accent mocked and all of his friends laughed.

"Please leave me alone, look here take my money but just please leave me alone" Jon gave his bullies the money, he whimpered in desperation. Hoping that they'll just go away and leave him be.

"Good choice small fry" the jock yanked the money out of Jon's hands, and proceeds to count them. "Old on..Wait a minute!" He yelled. The others looked up at him 'Micro shrimp is holding us back! You're missing five dollars left!" He sneered and the others glared at Jon.

The leader came up to him and pinned his body roughly on the lockers. "Where is the rest of the money Jonathan?"

Jon began to cry out "I don't have it! I swear I don't have it" he struggled against the bully.

"So you're gonna lie to us huh?, Well we know how to get information outta scrawny shits like you" They all prepared too attack him and Jon pleaded and cried out asking them to spare them. Just before anyone of them could land a blow on him another voice across them called out.

"Hey!! Leave him alone!"

Everyone turned their heads simultaneously, they all saw a rather average sized teenager with dark brunette hair. His shirt was black and the sleeves where dark green with the black stripes. He also had jeans and boots to match with it. His hair was a bit messy but it was all pulled to one side and his face showed a little stubble growing in his upper lip.

All of the bullies frowned and the one with the bronx accent came forward to him. "Oh yeah? And what's you's gonna do's bout it? Huh?"

"I won't hesitate to beat yall asses if you don't leave him alone"

The leader scoffed "Oh really? I'd like to see you try". He snapped his fingers and both the jock and bronx guy came to the mysterious savior, ready to pummel him.

Just then with a speed neither of them has seen before. The teenager ran up and landed an uppercut on the jock first. He then ducked as the jock was ready to retailiate but misses. He then went his attention on the bronx teen and kicked him in the stomach which took the wind out of him. After he was done with the bronx teen, he went back to fighting the jock. Punches came in left and right and both of them eventually were bruised but the brunette had struck the jock between the shoulder blades and his neck, this caused the jock to cry out in agony and he fell to the floor in pain.

The teenager breathed heavily and he got closer to the leader and grab a hold of his collar shirt.

"Ok ok! You win! Just put me down" the leader said quickly trying to save himself as he struggled.

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