Chapter 2: Home Sweet New

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Edd and Matt stared at the window across from their neighbors house. They both see a small destrught man crying on the curbside. Matt felt a tiny twinge of pity for him while Edd was more suspicious but also has a sense of pity as well

"You'd think it's one of Eduardo's tricks" He asked questioally

"Not so sure but I gotta say that rain will definitely won't do good for his hair" Matt commented looking a bit uncomfortable at the thought of wet hair

Tom laid on the couch lazily, "Guys just leave him alone. He isn't our problem" he waved his hand.

Edd narrowed his eyes looking at Jon. He noticed that he had a luggage near him and a large blue backpack.

He gasped "You don't think they kicked him out do you" he said with sudden realization.

Tom's head raised up, "excuse me? That sounds far fetched. Eduardo wouldn't kick out one of his goons much less his meat shield"

"We can't be too sure" Edd replied. "Besides he doesn't seem to be a threat. What's the worse he can do?"

"What do you think we should do?" Matt questioned.

Edd rubbed his chin and began to think "Well, maybe we should help him out. If he is truly kicked out he can stay with us until we find him another place to stay!"

"What!?" Exclaimed both Tom and Matt.

"We don't have enough room here!" Tom added. "Three is pushing it already!'

"Come on it won't be so bad. Besides he could possibly be the new Tord for us! He can stay in the guest room!" Edd puts on a toothy grin

Tom just grimaced from hearing that name again. Meanwhile Matt looked confused. "Who was Tord again?"

"Our old roommate remember?" Edd tried to make the ginger remember.

Matt pondered "Hmmm still doesn't ring a bell"

"Whatever, point is I think we can help him...and rub it in Eduardo's stupid face haha!" He said with triumph. Tom just shook his head disapprovingly but obliged anyways.

"That's the spirit! Let's get our coats and greet him"

"This won't end well" Tom said with no hope.

In the rain after a few minutes of crying, Jon's thoughts where interrupted by a tap on his shoulder, And looked up.

"Hey" the voice said. "You alright?"

Edd said, behind him was none other than Tom and Matt. They all wore rain coats to their perspective color.

Jon just stared at them thinking of something to say in a mocking tone, but nothing came out. He just said

"What are you doing here" his voice still choked up from all the crying.

"Well you see. Edd felt bad for you and-" before Tom could finish Matt interrupted him.

"Holy hay! Your hair is a mess!!" Matt panicked.

"My- My hair" Jon questioned being a bit confused.

"Eh, something like that" Tom said not bothering to correct himself.

"Oh God is that a black eye?!" Edd said shocked, his eyes widen. Jon quickly hid his face and turned away. "What!? No no! It's just ...dirt" he tried to lie although obviously unsuccessful. "Either way I shouldn't be talking to you!"

Edd sighed "Look! I saw you crying outside and it looked like you needed help. Wanna come inside?" He puts out a hand as a kind gesture.

This only confused Jon even more. Why was his rivals being so nice to him? He expected them to laugh and make fun of him but no, Edd is here trying to help him. Would he dare accept it?

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