Chapter 3: The Outburst

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The sun rose up, the rain had stopped in the middle of the night and everything is still drying up. Grass had small droplets of water on them and birds came out of their best, shaking off the remaining water in their feathers.

Inside the home, Jon was sound asleep until the alarm clock on the nightstand turned on. He woke up feeling a bit groggy and looked at the time. 8:30. This was a sign to get up.

Jon sat up and stretched trying to take the tiredness off of him. He climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom in the guest room.

He observed his face,his  hair was a mess and he looked exhausted. He also noticed that his right eye stopped swelling but it still had a purple mark around it. Jon carefully traced his finger around but and winced in pain a bit. It still hurts and in more ways than one he could say. Sighing to himself he washed his face and got ready for today.

After all of that, Jon stepped out of the room and immediately got hit with the scent of pancakes, bacon and eggs but something was very off about the smell. Jon raised an eyebrow in confusion and he headed  towards the kitchen.

Upon entering he saw what caused the odd smell. Edd was covered in pancake batter from head to toe and was flapping his spatula wildly at the black smoke covering the area, Matt was covered in egg whites as he placed the barley cooked eggs into four plates, and Tom looked like he got the bacon out of the oven but it looked like charcoal.

'"Um what's going on?" Jon asked

They all looked towards him and smiled nervously.

"Good morning..." They all said unanimously

"We're making Breakfast!" Matt chirpped up.

"Breakfast?" Jon questioned

"Isn't it obvious" Tom then added and placed a few strips of bacon on the plates.

Meanwhile Edd finished the pancakes and he also started placing them on the plates but it looked oddly crumbly. They all sat down and gestured Jon to sit and he does so reluctantly. Edd passed out to plates to each member.

"We are having bacon" Tom continued

"Burnt..." Jon commented upon

"Eggs" Matt said with a happy tone


"And pancakes!" Edd said finishing off. Jon inspected it. 

"You somehow did both..."

"Nonsense, they are perfectly fine," Matt tried to lighten the situation of their obvious mistake. "Here I'll show ya!" He took a bit of pancakes and egg on his fork and bit into it, his face immediately scrunched up but slowly swallowed. He almost gagged. "See... completely ok" he said forcefully

Jon cringed seeing Matt eat the raw eggs and pancakes. He pushed the plate away from him cautiously. "It's ok I think I'll just skip breakfast, but...thank you".

"You sure? I mean we could make you something else or you can eat something else a-"

"No's ok I'm fine" Jon interrupted him.

Edd sighed in defeat slumping his shoulders. "Well alright"

"I think I'm just gonna head to a restaurant for breakfast...maybe a small coffee will do" Jon got up and headed towards the door

"Wait" Matt stood up to stop him. "Don't you have any cash on you? We could lend you some-"

Once again Jon interrupted "I'm fine really...ok, I just wanna spend time to myself" without saying another word he walked out the door.

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