Chapter 5: Feel the Music

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A/N: Also posting this fanfiction on AO3! Here is the link.


A whole month passed by since Jon and his roommates been to ASDF Land 2.0. It was the most fun he had for a long time since he could remember and it was probably the best time in his life,but after that day, nothing really important happened since then but life has gotten a bit easier for Jon. He's actually grown quite close to his new roommates and he enjoys their company when they hang out together.

Today, Edd and Matt went to the supermarket to get groceries for their home, this left Jon and Tom alone at home. 

Tom has been cooped up in his room for a few hours and Jon has been taking care of Ringo. Jon enjoyed the cat, and she seems to enjoy him. He always wanted a pet of some sorts but unfortunately Eduardo wouldn't let him because he thought Jon wasn't ready for the responsibility and didn't want  pet hair in their home. Needless to say Jon can see why Edd loved the cat, she's like a small innocent friend and a stress reliever.

Soon after taking care of it for a while the small tabby cat fell asleep in Edd's bed and she curled up into a small ball as she usually does. For this reason Jon decided to pay Tom a visit to see of he had anything else he can do in the home. There certainly was nothing interesting on TV and he doesn't exactly know how to pass the time to himself. As Jon got closer to Tom's room he can hear something. It sounded like a bass guitar playing slow and steady music, it was almost hypotonic to how soothing it was.

Jon almost didn't want to go into the room incase Tom wanted some moment of privacy, but curiosity got the best of him and he knocked softly on the hardwood door.

There was no answer, but the music was still playing. Jon decided to knock again hoping that Tom would answer, but like before there was no response.

At this point Jon was a little worried something might have happened to Tom, maybe he over slept, maybe something happened that prevented him to move or worse he got kidnapped!

Jon shook those thoughts away as he knew they were just an exaggeration.

He turned the knob of the door and to his surprise it was unlocked, so he opened to peek inside the room.

"Tom?" He said meekly.

Inside he saw Tom sitting on his bed, back turned away from the door. He was playing a bass guitar and he seemed to get lost into the chords of the melody. He didn't even notice Jon walking into his room and calling out his name. It seemed like a calming environment.

Jon himself seemed to be focusing on the music but also the way Tom's room was decorated there wasn't much but the lights were turned off which made the blue room look even somewhat darker. The window shades were shut so there was little to no light. A few posters and photos was on the walls of the room and a single teddy bear sat near the bed.

That's when Jon suddenly heard soft humming, at first he thought it was someone behind him, maybe Edd or Matt have gotten back but, there was no one. Then his attention turned back to Tom and found out he was the source of the music. It was an unfamiliar tune but it was very soothing. He almost wanted to go to sleep right then and there.

"Tom?" Jon said again but a little louder. At that moment the calm atmosphere evaporated quickly as Tom quickly turned his head to too Jon standing at the door.

"JON!?" Tom said a bit startled and almost dropping his guitar. After a breather he looked at him a bit annoyed. "Geez knock next time! You almost scared me to death!"

"S-Sorry! I just wanted to see how you were doing that's all!" Jon quickly defended himself. "Besides I already knocked but you didn't answer...sorry"

Tom just sighed, "it's fine, don't beat yourself too much over it".

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