Author's Note

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Before the book begins I'd like to add that this is an AU to avoid any confusion going on into this

1. This takes place a year after The End Part 1 & 2. Except Jon doesn't die here and Edd's home is rebuilt. So any errors or misconceptions from the show should just be accepted as an AU.

2. This book does touch on unhealthy friendships and some (minor) topics about physical and emotional abuse. I'll leave a Trigger Warning and a Coution Warning at the beginning of a chapter that contains these subjects.

3. Eduardo and Mark are a bit antagonized here so sorry if you're a fan of either of them, but they won't be depicted as being completely "evil", but they have very backward views of friendship towards Jon when they think they are "helping" him. Also Eduardo in Canon is just goofy gumpy man which is funny but here his characteristics are a bit amplified

4. Be patient with me as sometimes I don't write a lot and I don't update too frequently. Be patient with the upcoming chapters

5. One final note is this still contain the shipping between Matt & Jon but this book isn't completely 100% focused on them. This book is mainly about Jon learning about healthy friendship and relationships and gains a healthy support group and gains self worth. So don't worry of you aren't too keen of this ship. Although some chapters in the future will focus on them two.

(Art on cover is done by: Sm0l-ant [] )

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