11. (This is not the end)

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Note : Instead of 2 years, it's a 3 years leap, I'll soon change it everywhere...

Next day amms came back home and everyone was taking care of her..

Nandini after a lot of efforts had convinced Manik that she's ok and told him to go back..

Also she's had successfully hidden Manik from everyone as she thought. Only if she knew Amms had seen him and even had a conversation which they decided to hide from Nandini..

Manik was heading on the plane heading to Mumbai, while his mind was just thinking about their last convo..

N - Manik you kept all your things right?

M - hmm meri maa, you're asking this for the 5th time, bas tumhe vo nhi bolna, what I wanna hear..

He said and she became quiet again making him sigh..

M - ok fine, I'm going and I'm not gonna irritate you with my phone calls this time, you have enough time to think, plz thinking wisely Nandini, it's our last chance..

He said holding her hands and looking in her eyes...

M - will you?

He asked and she nodded making him smile.

M - So, I'll be going now, bye..

N - bye..

He turned to leave but turned back at her making her frown..

M - can I hug you for once?

He asked gulping and she nodded her head positively, she knew her voice would crack if she speaks, and he'd get to know for her condition..

He came forward engulfed her so tightly which caused she stumble a little, she hugged him back composing herself..

He snuggled into her trying to get more of her warmth, he didn't knew when would he get to hug her again..

She didn't even realise when the tears rolled down her eyes which she had been holding from a while...

He broke the hug feeling tears on his shirt, she tried to hide tears turning her face and rubbing her palms on her cheeks but he held her face and made her look at him..

He bend down to her face and placed his lips on her cheek and she closed her eyes tightly causing more tears to fall...

"Manik", she called out and tried to push him but he held her hands and sucked her tears and she exhaled deeply..

He went to her other cheek sucking her tears, all this was doing nothing but making her more and more weak for him..

He pulled back his face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead..

He picked up his bag and walked away, no words were exchanged between them and no words were needed indeed..

"this is not the end Nandini, definitely not", he said to himself while sitting in the taxi..

He moved out the plane and checked his phone to find her missed call, which shocked him at first but then smirked internally, he dialled her in a second..

"Did the sun rose from west today? You calling me?", He teased..

"Manik", she warned..

"Acha sorry, bolo why did you call", he said..

"Did you reach", she asked..

"Yeah just now, and I know you didn't call me for this, so just speak up ok" he said..

"Manik, are you... I mean.. you're.. hanging around with Inaaya these days, I saw it in my feed", she asked a little hesitantly, ofcourse she kept a check of all his news..

Manik's pov

Shit, fuckin' hell, why she had to see it now, ughh It'll spoile everything, I hate you Alya and Mukti for such stupid plan..

Shall I tell her truth or shall I ask her what I did it for..

"Umm yeah, why though, are you jealous", I asked controlling my smirk, very bad Manik..

"Me, not at all, I was just asking if you're thinking of moving on, like I told you", she said, yeah I know..

"No, even if you never ever get back to me, I'll still not move on with her, her kya, I won't move on with anyone, is janam mein to nhi", I said and she stayed quiet..

"Actually Nandini, it was the stupid plan of my friends, that if you see me with her, you'll get jealous and get back to me maybe.... I'm sorry for this", I said, such an idiot I am..

"But Manik that girl what if she takes that seriously", I understood what she was trying to say..

"She knows Nandini that this all just for show, anyways she's not obsessed with me like that psycho Soha..", I said and regretted immediately..

"Nandini", I called out but she didn't reply..

"Are you crying?", I asked but didn't reply again, this had to come sone day..

"Nandini, listen to me, this time no 3rd person can separate us, no matter what happens, I assure you, now c'mon wipe ur tears", I said I was damn sure she's crying, I could feel it..

"Bye Manik", she said, see I said she was crying, her voice said it all..

"Take care of yourself Nandini", I said and then we hanged up muttering a bye, I know she's gonna cry after hanging up but what can I do, she's not ready to open up..


Nandini engrossed herself completely in her studies as it was her last year's final examination, she wanted to score well so that she could join the India Space Research Team along with her masters...

After that they used to interact a little, maybe on chats on random topics and sometimes didn't used to talk for days, he didn't call her much as ge wanted to give her space and time for studies..

1 month later :-

"Oh lord, today's Nandini's results, please bless her with the marks she wants, so that she could be selected as an intern in that research center too", Manik closed his eyes and prayed, he had never prayed for himself but her, he prayed for her on her every exam.

He didn't tell her about this, cause it would be hard for her to digust, he chuckled at his thought and moved out..

To be continued...

Finally here it goes, from 2 days I was stuck at 900 words, finally completed it, yep, sorry for the delay..

Also, no more separation ❤️

Thanks for reading..

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