17. (efforts)

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Ignore mistakes...

She was looking at him while he was eating, he looked like a kid, well she knew he has a child's heart behind his monster face..

"What",he snapped..

"Nothing", she said diverting her gaze..

"Why aren't you eating btw", he said and took a morsel near her mouth and she moved back..

"Manik, I have to do puja first", she said and he made a bad face..

"Pehle to tum ye sab nahi karte, why suddenly so sanskari ha", he asked..

"Manik Amms ne mujhe kaha hai to do it every day, you eat I'll just come", she said getting up..

Manik entered her room after finishing the food and keeping the utensils, he searched for a good background in the room and tried taking a picture of himself but it wasn't turning to be good as it was a selfie. He tried to keep the phone someone but there was no where it could perfectly stand..

Nandini entered and frowned seeing him..

"Manik?", She called out..

"Oh Nandini, can you please a click a picture of mine, I'm inactive from so many days on insta, atleast I'll post a story", he said and she nodded understanding it..

He handed her his phone and she clicked a few pictures of him, the way he posed impressed her, though he was a singer but he had a model physique..

He took his phone and selected a picture, after getting a best one he posted it in his story writing "missed me?" above the pic and she frowned seeing it..

"Missed me?", She asked..

"Yeah, I love teasing my fans", he said with chuckle and she nodded in disbelief..

"Acha Manik, your fans to, I mean mostly girls hi hongi na", she asked..

'Ha and you know I'll show you something", he said opening his dm requests..

She saw the messages of girls and his fampages, some were of normal messages about people liking him and his songs but some were of extreme level, she didn't even understand some of it, she gulped seeing all this..

"Damn Manik", she said still scrolling with amusement..

"Aur kya, they must have sent it thinking I don't read my dms", he said..

"Acha Manik, what does this mean, 'I will be your 6, can you be ny 9?", she asked and he choked in open air..He plamed his face composing himself not knowing what to say..

"You seriously don't know?", He asked and she nodded in a no innocently..

"Actually it is...it is.. you better google, I can't say", he said and she got more confused thinking what could it be he can't even speak..

She opened her phone and searched for it, her eyes widened scrolling and looking at the meaning..

"Eww Manik", she said quickly closing the tabs and he laughed while lying on bed, this is was definitely an expected reaction..

She came on the bed and sat beside him, and he the next moment he took her in his embrace. He kissed her cheek softly followed my kissing her all over face tenderly, at last he came to lips gave gave her a long smooch..

"Do you want to try?", He said and she frowned, but her eyes widened when she understood his words..

"Manik", she scolded getting out his grip and he laughed..

"Chi Manik, so dirty", she said turning away and he pressed his lips to control his laughter seeing his innocent girlfriend..

"I love you", he said caging her from behind and she blushed and but hid it quickly..

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