5. (Nandu's Dairy)

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He was flipping on sone random pages of the dairy and reading them...

14 April, 2015

Heya, dairy I came here leaving behind everything in Mumbai, my new friends, memories, chacha-chachi, Rishabh and Manik too. So, did u miss. I know I had stopped writing dairy because my eventful days, those days were bliss but happiness doesn't last long a d now I'm back to loneliness again like the way I was after amma & appa's death. You know you are my best friend forever and ever, atleast you'll never leave me alone..

21 August, 2015

I don't know why but these fireflies don't give me peace anymore, I just remember him whenever I look at them, when we meet for the first time, and our first date, when the fireflies had glown for us, for our love. Maybe they were wrong or maybe our love wasn't enough. But I wish I could tell him once that how much I love him, I realised my love
on our first date itself, but I never got a chance to confess, or maybe I never got courage. I never thought we would've seperated like this, I thought we have a long life ahead for everything...

5 November, 2015

Today Fab 5's first song was released, they were all rocking, I wish I could tell them how good they all were, specially Manik, his voice is so melodies, just like his heartbeat, I remember the time we had sung together, I wish I could go back and relive that moment just once again..

He felt the page a little crumbled, he realised that she must have cried writing this..

8 January, 2016

A guy proposed me today, and I said no, I literally had no feelings for him, I just saw him as a casual friend. And moreover, I love Manik but I don't know if he even loves me back, he  never confessed. Maybe he just liked me and I thought it's love maybe it was just from my side and so ended like this. Whatever but I can't be in a relationship again...
But why can't I, how long will I stick to my past which I don't even know is from both sides or not. I need to move on but I really can't, I just can't forget him, every single thing about him, I never knew things sweet memories will become a nightmare one day. I just can't keep waiting for him when I know he's never gonna come, I just don't know what to do, my heart and brain don't go together..

Reading these pages, he understood her inner turmoil in these years and he understood why she wasn't ready to accept him..

21 May 2016

Today, Amms saw me crying and she didn't say anything, I think somewhere she knows that I just pretend infront of her and I'm not actually ok. She has tried asking me many a times but I just can't tell and I can't even be like before. I tried, I tried a lot of be happy but I just can't, I'm not able to forget him, I wish I never meet him, I was happy before meeting him Aiayappa, why did you sent him in my life, why!?...

8 October, 2016

Today I read an article about Manik and his co-star inaya, it said that they are dating, I know it's just a rumour. Maybe not today but one day he'll move and find someone, why can't I do the same. Why am I still loving him god, why!?? Why is my life becoming so complicated and all this is happening after that toxic relationship, I wish I never took admission in S.P.A.C.E. It changed my life forever and changed it for bad. It would've been better if I simply took admission in a science college, I even wasted one year because of that..

Manik felt hurt when he read her calling their relationship toxic, no matter how it ended still it was the most beautiful thing happened in his life, which showed him what actual happiness is...
And he knew that he couldn't move on not even a bit, he just remembered
her every second, every moment and it hurted him too..

21 February, 2017

Today I'm gonna see Manik it's almost 2 years, I'm so excited to see him but just every other fangirl nothing else.
C'mon don't lie to your best friend Nandu. Ok ok, yes I'm excited to see him but I hope he doesn't notices me. I know it's gonna hurt equally but I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to see him again that too like this secretly, so I shouldn't miss this. I'm going see my Manik, sorry not mine.

He closed the dairy not being able to read anymore and wiped the tears which were following mercilessly from his eyes.

He wanted to tell her that he is her's just her's but couldn't..

He looked at time and it was 4, it was morning already and he had to leave soon, he looked at sleeping face which was his only peace..
He remembered the day when he stayed at ger place just to make sure if she safe..

Manik's pov

I know I made a wrong decision, as I always do when I'm angry. I shouldn't have asked her to leave the college, things would've been better then, maybe we would've been together. At that moment I just thought that I can't forgive for what she did but I forgot that I can't even live without her. Till the time I realised she was away from me, far far away..

I slowly caressed her hair and pecked her forehead..

I love you Nandini and I know you love me too, I don't know how will I do this but I just know that I make us happen again, we'll be together Nandini with your will..

This time I'm gonna use your trick in my way and get you back in my life..

I don't wanna force you in this relationship and I really would've left this morning if you were happy, nothing is more important to me than your happiness. I don't care if it hurts but I would've left this place and left you alone if you were happy..

But thank god I read your dairy and got to know that you are not happy and reason is us not being together, and you are just scared to get back I know but now none of us will suffer..

This is definitely destiny Nandini, it doesn't want to suffer, hence I got a got a concert and you saw, hence I followed you and meet you, hence my car didn't work and I stayed at ur place, hence I woke up at midnight and saw ur dairy and hence I got to know your feelings..

To be continued...

Yeah I know I'm late but it's just that I was having school regularly so I was a lil busy 🤷🏻‍♀️😅

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