18. (bidding)

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The pics of season 4 bts...
They look so cute, can't wait for the season, I think they are in a livin' relationship, let's see..

Ignore mistakes...

With them being together time passed real quick and it was the last day of Manik staying with her, he was leaving this night..

As the alarm rang she opened her eyes first followed by him. She turned off the alarm and he looked at her with a smile, waking up next to her was the best feeling for him..

He moved forward and held her closer, hiding his face in her neck he closed her eyes, she smiled seeing his antics. But her smile disappeared thinking about this being last morning like this, he had to leave today..

"What happened", he asked seeing her lost..

"Nothing, I have to get ready, you sleep", she said getting up but he pulled her back and hovered over her..

"I'll miss you Nandini", he said looking at her intensely..

He came to her face and kissed her cheek while she took a deep breathe..

"Won't you miss me?", he asked huskily and she looked him..

I'll miss you too Manik but work is important na", she said

"Yes, this bloody work", he said and lied beside her getting away from her..

"I'll miss you so so much Nandu", he cribbed turning towards her and she couldn't help but smile..

She came above him and pecked his lips but he pulled her back again for a proper kiss. He took her lip between his and sucked it softly..

After pulling away she rested her on his chest and he caressed her hair..

"Manik I've to get ready", she said when even she didn't want to part..

"Don't go today please", he saif pulling her more close...

"Manik I've already missed so Manik classes because you wanted me to stay back, and today is a very important day Manik, I can't miss, sorry", she said half heartedly..

"It's ok tum jao, main na I'll prepare something special for you today", he said and she smiled, in these days he had learnt the basic of cooking and he had internet ofcourse...

She went to get ready and he was lying there thinking about these days, these 10 days were better than the past 3 years of his life, he didn't even wanted to remember that time, when he alone and shattered without her..

He got up when she was leaving to wish her luck for the day as usual, he went towards her and kissed her forehead...

She felt so bitter thinking that he won't be there to bid her like this from tomorrow..

She held her emotions and walked out out of the apartment..


"Where is she, it's 6:30 already", he said in anticipation, she usually arrive by 6:00 and max 6:10 but today she was late which got him worried, there was another day when she was late but she ahd atleast called and informed about it...

But today she didn't call Infact when he tried calling her but her phone was switched off and he didn't have any of her colleagues number. His worry increased with every passing second

Having enough of patience, he went out and it was getting dark now, he started his car and drove off to her institute..

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