25. (bliss)

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The last chapter :
The month of February, it wasn't much cold in banglore but the nights still feel chilly. Manik and Nandini were sitting in balcony with a blanket covering them. Nandini was reading her book while Manik was gazing at the stars shining in the sky in deep thoughts..

Nandini's last semester exams were about to begin in a few days and Manik was staying with her to take care of her as she was avoiding her health initially and even fainted once in college, hence despite her resistance he came to stay with her postponding all his work till her exams..

She yawned and he checked his watch to see it's midnight 12..

"Nandu, it's 12 bas you should sleep", he said taking the book..

"Manik, zaruri hai na", she whinned..

"I know but you should sleep for atleast 5-6 hours Nandini socho if you feel all sleepy during the exam to kaise hoga", he explained..

"Acha ok", she said and got up stretching her arms.

He got up and glanced at her she was looking shorter and way too cute in his hoodie, since it's winters she had more of his hoodies than he himself had..

He bent down a little facing his back to her as an idea stuck his mind..

She looked at him in awe and wrapped her hands around his hend climbing on him.

K-dramas are really rubbing off on him, he prefers lifting her this way rather than the bridal style, and she liked it too, it's cute.

She remembered how she made him watch those dramas, he wasn't willing to earlier because he found them cheesy but then anything for her, yeah..

He made her lie on the bed and covered them with a blanket..

"Manik, it's cold", she said innocently and he chuckled at her daily rant and wrapped his legs around her pulling her close and she smiled snuggling into him..

She woke up the next day and started getting ready, she had her practical exam today. She glanced at him, smiled and kissed his forehead. She didn't wake him up as he needed some rest too, she thought.

Though he was gonna scold her for not waking him up and going herself, she didn't think twice..

She moved out of the house and instantly felt cold air pass by. It was a weather to be with your boyfriend and have a time together but here she was giving exams, ughhh life sucks but what can we do..

She took taxi for her college and got a call from him in midway, she sighed and picked it up..

"What the hell Nandini, why didn't you wake me up acha leave where are you right now I'll come", he said..

"Noo Manik I've almost reached and anyways why would you come. I didn't wake you because there was no need, I did everything myself thought to give you some rest", she explained..

"I would've anyways rested after you left diot, ok leave that best of luck of practicals and do well", he wished and she thanked him..

Her practicals went well but she couldn't relax as her exams were to start just in three days after the practicals..


"Manik, ask these questions", she said giving him the book. He took the book and started asking questions which she almost answered all correct..

"Ughh, I still couldn't learn perfectly", she cried in frustration..

"It's ok Nandu, see you almost answered all", he said cheering her..

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