4. the boy's a liar

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[pilot part 1: season 1, episode 1]❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

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[pilot part 1: season 1, episode 1]
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        Chaos. That was the only way to describe what was happening in front of the Waverider. In fact, that was the only word you could use to describe the entire mission (if you could even call it that). Failed bar fights, an angry knock-off stormtrooper, it felt like all Ivy and the team were actually doing was messing things up. Ivy peaked her head up from behind the car and watched as the metal-man shot at a large rock about fifteen feet away from the girl.

Ivy felt around on the ground, trying to find something that she could toss at the man. Like a rock, or a stick that would divert his attention away from Kendra. But her search turned up nothing.

"Aldus!" Kendra cried from behind the rock. "We'll get you out of here." Ivy pursed her lips, 'Rip must have got someone hurt. Of course, he did,' she thought to herself as she peaked her head above the rock once more. Ivy pushed her hands together, trying to get a strong enough blast to knock the man off of his feet. But, there were so many elements flying through the air, that she was unable to concentrate.

"Shit," Ivy cursed as she felt the heat of a lazar pass over her head. She narrowed her eyes, still trying to prove that she wasn't entirely useless, and Rip couldn't really blame her if she killed a man that was trying to kill them, it would just be self-defense. But Snart had beat her to it, knocking out the metal man with a strong blast from his cold gun.

"Better luck next time, Lin," Snart yelled.

Ivy scoffed, "This isn't some fucking competition, Snart!" she snapped, standing up from her spot behind the rock.

"Quickly," Rip yelled before Snart could shoot another snide comment toward the lawyer. "Back to the ship!" Ivy sighed as she sprinted back toward the ship. She wasn't sure who that injured man was, or why they were bringing him on board. But, Ivy knew that shit just got real.

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'Our cloaking shield and aft entrance have been significantly compromised captain," Gideon said after the ship had stopped moving. The team thought it would be best if they time jumped away from the scene that had left in the 70s.

Rip groaned, apparently the metal man hand down a number on the ship. "Yes, I can see that Gideon," he said standing up quickly. "Station us in the temporal zone while I work on repairs."

Stein raised his eyebrow, "Temporal zone?" he asked quickly.

Rip nodded, "Yes, it's essentially a time limbo," he explained. "We can hide out there for a bit. Another temporal jump would risk revealing our position."

"A time limbo? Astonishing!" Stein exclaimed, looking like a kid who had just woken up on Christmas morning. Rip didn't look so amused.

"Oh, there's something you people don't know about time travel?" he said sarcastically "That's surprising, isn't it? Considering none of you have ever time traveled before. Bringing a family member from the past onto a time ship?" He gestured to Kendra and Carter. "Breaking out and carousing around the 1970s." He looked at Ivy, Sara, Snart, and Mick. "And no doubt you disobeyed my direct orders and used your powers," he added, staring directly at Ivy, who shrugged. "We've barely even begun, and this is the worst, unmitigated disaster of my career," Rip finished.

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