3. beer is better in the 70s

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[pilot part 1: season 1, episode 1]❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

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[pilot part 1: season 1, episode 1]
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Ivy tutted, looking around at the interior of the time ship. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned over to Sara, who was walking next to her. "Okay, I hate to admit it, but this is kind of impressive," she whispered.

        Sara tilted her head, "Probably not as impressive as your fancy lawyer's office," she replied coolly.

        Ivy clicked her tongue, "Yes, the rundown private law firm I work for in the middle of Central City is fancier than this time ship from the 23rd century," she stated. Sara looked at her with an arched brow, and Ivy could tell that the woman didn't believe her. She scoffed, "I'm being serious, Sara, there are like- cobwebs in every single corner, and I swear to god, my desk was probably covered in mold at some point. Maybe things don't run like that in Star City, but that's how it is in Central" she finished.

        "Or you work in a shit law firm," Sara offered as the two filed into the primary cortex of the ship.

        Ivy felt her lips grow thin, "Or it could be that," she finished quietly.

        Kendra gazed around the ship, her eyes wide, "I haven't seen anything like this before," she stated.

        "Neither have I," Carter added. "And considering I have 4,000 years of memories, that's saying something."

        Ivy furrowed her brows, "Yeah, I still don't get that whole incarnation thing," she whispered to Sara.

        Sara laughed slightly, "Just wait until I tell you about the Lazarus Pit," she responded.

        Ivy turned to the blonde woman, "What the fuck is that?" she asked, blinking rapidly.

        "That's a story for another day," Sara said, giving her a small pat on the back as the rest of the team began to walk into the cortex.

        "How does a vessel of this size function without a crew?" Professor Stein asked Rip, impressed by the mechanics of his time ship.

        "I don't need one," Rip said simply. "I have Gideon," he finished, pointing to an empty space in the middle of the control panel.

        Ivy was about to ask Rip what he was pointing at when a blue hologram of a blad woman popped up, nearly scaring the shit out of Ivy. "Welcome abroad, I am Gideon," the hologram said in a robotic voice. "An artificial interactive consciousness designed to aid Captian Hunter on his mission."

        Snart raised his eyebrow, shooting Rip a curious glance. "Captain?" he asked.

        Rip didn't acknowledge the criminal. Instead, he continued Gideon's explanation from earlier. "Gideon's been working on helping me locate Vandal Savage," he stated.

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