Feel ☁️

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It was a lazy day, just as Sundays should be. We haven't done anything. She was on the bed skimming through her phone, I was sat on a bean bag at a corner of the room, reading a book, when she caught me staring at her.

"Why are you Iooking at me like that?" She asked, with a gentle smile creeping on her face.

I let my stare linger a little longer. Trailing and taking in all of her features, as if it'll disappear from my memory as soon as it leaves my sight.

How could I tell her? I thought.

How can I tell her that whenever I look into her eyes, I see a million things I both Iove and fear. I see deep green forest, where wonder awaits. I see the ocean, dark and stretched far ahead.

I hate bodies of water, I grimaced internally. I hate the fact that something mesmerizing hides a hundred secrets. Both terrifying and magical, yet to be discovered. I hate the unknown yet somehow, I'd still dive into her oceans without a second thought.

How is it that a single person eminate so much that you fear yet also urges you to just... jump?
It is terrifying to think of a person that way. How much control they have over you without them even realizing it. Terrifying. Yet as I continue to look on, I don't feel fear at all.

How can a person have the ability to do that? How can she do that?

How can she make me feel a million things at once, make my heart and insides go untamed, makes me want to go numb but at the same time, craving to feel her all over again.
How can she make me feel something I have never felt before?

She makes me go mad.
She makes me feel at home.
She is my home.

I could talk about all the things she makes me feel for eternity, but at that moment, I realized the point I was trying hard to make. That is, She makes me feel. A sensation I've been trying so hard to grasp.

My heart clenched at the fact and is overwhelmed with love and adoration for the woman.

I took a breath as I realized she was waving her hands to get my attention.
"Hey, come back to me." she says coyly while still waving her hands.

I smiled, still not saying a word. Her expression quickly turned worried. "Are you okay?" She asked, now sitting on the bed. "Never better...you look like a dream, my love." at that she smiled and relaxed.

"Care to join me?" she asked while patting a space beside her. I placed the book on the nightstand and adjusted our position so she layed her head on my chest.

"Do you wanna talk about what was bothering you back there?" She asked carefully while still snuggled partly on top of me. "Nothing was bothering me really, I was just thinking about you" I answered.
"Oh really? was I dressed at least?" she joked and we shared a chuckle. for a moment, it was just silence, then I felt her tense up a bit. "You still haven't answered the question." she stated.

I sighed. " Yes, my love, you were decent." I paused, unsure of what to say next. "I was thinking of how you make me feeI." I felt her body tense up more at my answer. I Instinctively rubbed her shoulders to calm her down.
"Well," She hesitates, "how do I make you feel?" She's now looking up at me expectantly. I look down to meet her gaze and kissed her forhead.

"Home. Loved. I can think of a thousand more words but the point is, you make me...feel."
I paused, emphasizing the last word. " and that is everything and more than I imagined I could have." I looked down on her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to fall.

"you're being sappy again." she said while sniffled.
"and you ruined the moment... every time." I said and we both laughed as she wiped her tears and I kissed her temple. For a moment, we fell into a comfortable silence.

I heard her mumble under her breath so I adjusted our position and held her face between my hands.
I was greeted with cheeks stained with tears, still streaming down.
"hey, shh, darling what's wrong?" I asked as I wiped her tears. I pulled her into a tight hug and put her entire weight on top of me. I rubbed her back as she continued to weep.

"Tell me what's wrong, love ." at this, she turned her attention back on me.
"I just love you so much." she said while looking into my eyes with tears still evading her face. My sweet darling. I wiped her face and gave her a smile.

"I love you too, my love. More than anyone and everything, in every universe." with that, she leaned forward and we shared a kiss that spoke our love for one another.

She then layed her head back on my chest as I proceeded to rub her back while occasionally brushing her hair with my fingers to sooth her.

Her breath became steady and I carressed her face while I watched her sleep, loving how her whole weight lies on my body.

Not long after, I fell asleep with my love, my home, the half of my soul, in my arms.

I woke up with a throbbing headache along with a tightness in my chest that seemed oddly comforting. "Fucking hell, I'm never drinking again" ha! lies.

I tried to remember what happened at the after party of some Gala I was invited to, as well as the dream I'm sure remembered just moments ago.

My head started hurting so I decided to just shrug it off and continue on my morning routine

Thank God, it's Sunday.


Noticed how I didn't mention who the woman is?
It was partly so that you can think of anyone you desired. (Nat was the on my mind when I wrote this)

Sooooo who came to mind???

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