The Outset (2) 🧅

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Scarlett's POV:

I made my way back to our bedroom after walking Y/N to the door. Something's not right but I'm not certain what is. I should've forced her to spend the night, I thought. The conversation earlier kept replaying in my mind and something tells me that it was incomplete, that there was more to it. Why does she have to be so cryptic, I sighed.

"Hey, I'm not free at the moment but I'll call you back.... nah I'll probably not, shoot me a text instead! Bye!"

I tried calling her to check if she made it home safe but it goes straight to voicemail until the line cuts off and it won't even ring anymore.

The unsettling feeling kept me tossing and turning all night until I was exhausted and was forced to sleep.

The Launch Day

I woke up giddy and excited to celebrate the launch with the crew and finally share the skincare line that we've been working long and hard for. Last night, or should I earlier this morning, celebrating with Y/N was really lovely and intimate and honestly made my heart full, but I also can't wait to celebrate with everyone else.

Speaking of Y/N, she'll be at the HQ later so we'll have the chance to talk... Right. Like I've said earlier, I won't force her to share anything she didn't feel comfortable sharing but I still wish she'd open up to me 'cause I'm worried about my friend.

I want to understand her more especially in the part where she said she's in love but wasn't particularly happy about it. Love is a beautiful thing. No it's not, my mind battled against me. It maybe a beautiful thing but not all the time. I should know by now.

I got ready and prepared a simple white top, a cardigan, and faded jeans.
I kept my make-up light and simple as well, after all I am gonna be launching and promoting products that encourages simplicity and keeping everything natural.

I arrived at the HQ a little early, practically bouncing each step from excitement.

I was confused as to why the door was locked 'cause there's usually someone earlier than me, doing all the prep things. I shrugged it off and I fished my own set of keys from my purse and unlocked the door.

It was dark which made it more strange so I made my way to the light switches and flicked them on.

"HAPPY LAUNCH DAY!" They all cheered in unison as I jumped in surprise. Cheers and "congratulations" were shared here and there.

"Speech!" Kate, my co-founder shouted after everyone calmed down, so I put my purse on the near desk and shook my head smiling.

"Well, I would like to thank all of you in this room and everyone else who's not. This has been a dream for me for the past couple of years and it also became the dream for you. I am so thankful for each and everyone's hard work, dedication, and time. We may be launching now but I am still so excited to work with you all and see where tomorrow takes us. I hope we are able to accomplish what we aim for and grow at the same time." I said tearily as they applauded and Kate pulled me in for a hug.

"Alright! I'll get the cupcakes." I said as they all settled at the lounging area.

I made my way to where the foods and drinks are situated and I gushed at how the cupcakes look. They have little 'The Outset' logos and white icing with little sprinkles. I lit all the candles and made my way to the team.

The day dragged on as I did promotional stuff, answering queries, sending products to influencers, and being active on social media.

I discovered that we have a TikTok account and most of the comments are asking wether I've seen "The edits" or have read anything. I'm not particularly unaware that there are edits of me that fans make and stories, but I've never really took a deep dive into them.

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