Flash Report (2)

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"Go to sleep now honey." I say as I tucked my daughter under her blankets. I gave her forehead a kiss and was about to turn her lamp off, "I want Teddy." She pouts. I sighed and looked for her stuffy. It was a clown that's way too creepy for a kid. But she can't seem to sleep without it. It's weird, really. But I guess like mother like daughter.

"There you go baby, now sweet dreams okay?" She nodded and closed her eyes. I was just about to close her door when she spoke again. "What are you gonna do with her?" She softly asked, not bothering to open her eyes.

I just smiled although she can't see me. "Don't you worry about it, darling. Goodnight."

I made my way down the kitchen to prepare a meal for our guest. I poured a cup of water and a glass of wine so they'd have a choice of course, I carefully prepared a healthy meal and made sure it looked good before I carried it.

I fished the key out of my pocket while carefully balancing the tray of food on my one hand, opening the door to our basement.

"Hi! I prepared your dinner, sorry it's a little late, I had tons of things to do. Oh! I almost even forgot you were down here!" I laughed. I faced her when I received no reply. I was greeted by a woman on a bed, struggling with the cuffs on her ankles that's connected to a chain, permitting her limited space. Her wrists are cuffed and mouth gagged.

"Oh shit, right sorry." I quickly placed the tray on a table and removed her gag. Immediately she started screaming and struggling through her restraints.

"HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" She screamed while writhing her body. I just watched her lazily and wait for her voice to tire out. "Haven't you been in a lot of movies enought to know that screaming won't do anything?" I asked her smugly. "I mean seriously, I'm tired of this, 'There's no point in screaming, no one's gonna hear you, we're miles away from civilization, this room is soundproof' blah blah blah. I mean, come on." I stated.

"What do you want from me?" She asked, her voice breaking, to weak from all the screaming earlier. I shrugged. "I don't really know. Tell you what, I'll leave this..." I pushed the tray of food towards her, "...and I'll think about the answer. Don't worry I didn't poison any of it. We can do a taste test if you want." I winked at her.

"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna eat that." She gestured at the food.

"Hey! I put great effort into that! But suit yourself, it's there if you want to eat it or not." I said as I turned to go upstairs.

Just as I turned, I heard the clatter of plates and utensils being shattered to the ground and I found myself clutching my pounding head.

I looked at my hand that's covered with the mixture of blood and wine. The bitch smashed the glass on my head!

I turned and lunched at her. I wasn't thinking and full of rage. She's so ungrateful! I fucking cooked for her and I can barely cook! What a cunt.

She kept kicking and trying to land a punch wherever she can.

"Help! Help me! Somebody!!" She kept screaming while trying to writhe against my hold.

"Stop, stop that!"

"No! Let me go! HELPP!!"

"Fucking STOP IT!"


"I SAID STOP!" I screamed as I pushed her. She fell backwards and hit her head at the edge of the table and fell limp on the floor.


Shit shit shit shit shit shit

Her blood starts to ooze out as I stared shocked. Fuck I wasn't even aware of my strength! I didn't mean to push her so hard, fuck!

"Fuck no no no no, I'm sorry." I ran to her and checked her pulse.

"FUCK!" Shit there's nothing. I lightly slapped her face multiple times but she just layed there. Lifeless.

I should've taken cpr classes seriously.
"Fuck I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it." I said as I began to panic. I just stared at her lifeless body and watched as blood continue to pour out of her.


"After days of investigation, a CCTV footage has been recovered that shows the same car on multiple occasions on which Miss Johansson has been seen. They are now tracking the owners plate and a woman named Y/N Y/LN is found as the owner of the vehicle. Mr. Colin Jost is here with us to give a statement." The Reporter ended.

"My name is Colin, Scarlett is my wife. We know you have her, please I am begging you not to hurt her. I am willing to give anything and everything, just please give her back unharmed. She's - she's pregnant, so I'm begging you, please." Colin ended as he wiped the tears that escaped his eyes.


"Dinner's ready!" I yelled once I finished plating up the dishes. I heard little footsteps running towards the dinner table and pulled a chair for my daughter to sit down on.

"This smells so good mommy." She took a big sniff and started putting stuff on her plate. Just then a stomping was heard and my dad begrudgingly sat down at the end of the table. "You don't need to fucking yell, you weirdo." He said. I disregarded him and went on to eat my meal.

As we were eating, a loud banging from the door startled us and made my dad cuss loudly. "Dad! Child." I said as I glanced at my daughter who's happily munching on her meat.

Suddenly the door burst open and countless officers flooded into the house. When they reached the dining area, they saw the people eating like nothing alarming is happening at the moment.
"Put your hands on your head now!"

All of them obeyed except for Y/N, who remained seated and eating her meal. An officer came up behind her cuffed her hands, causing her to drop the fork she was holding. "Y/N Y/LN you are under arrest for the abduction of Scarlett Johansson, anything you say can used against you, so we advice you to come to the station in peace." She sighed and let them do their work. Just as they were letting her stand up, Colin hurriedly stormed into the house.

"Where is she?! Scarlett? Babe where are you?!" He screamed.

I looked at him and sighed. "God you pair are both screamers, that's for sure." I said. That seemed to anger him as he launched himself at me and held the collar of my shirt.

"Where is she you piece of shit?!" He asked with his voice filled with disdain and anger flurrying through his eyes, meeting Y/N's bored ones.

Without saying a word....

I slowly turned around

And looked at the dinner table.

A gut wrenching scream filled the room as the officers threw up at the revelation. Colin being too furious to stop himself, launching his body to Y/N and beating her up until her face was barely recognizable.


Part of this is also inspired by
@ wattpadnightreader on TikTok :)

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