Twin Flames ☁️🧅🔥

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They say twin flames are two halves of the same soul. Someone who seem to mirror you, feel, think, act, been through similar shit as you.

Meeting them seems so undeniably familiar. You feel drawn to them the moment you make eye contact and there's this attraction that's overwhelming in the most beautiful way. It's as if you are meeting yourself.

"Hey, I just noticed you from where I was sitting." Y/N said to the woman who's sitting on a bean bag a couple seats across her, not taking her eyes off the book she's reading, leaning against the massive window of the library.

"Oh uh hi, is there anything I can help you with?" The woman said as she finally tore her gaze from the book and met Y/N's curious ones.

Green meets brown.

The moment their eyes met, it felt as if everything was silent apart from the buzzing and heavy beating of their hearts. It was so loud that they thought it's gonna jump out of their chest.

Y/N blinked to break herself out of the trance although she could stay there 'till eternity, not sure if the woman wanted the same.

"Mind if I ..." Y/N trailed off, gesturing to the seat across the red headed woman.

"No, not at all." The woman smiled.

The woman kept her gaze at Y/N as she situated herself on the beanbag, directly across her. She let out a quiet gasp once she noticed the book the woman is carrying with a finger to serve as some sort of a bookmark. Y/N heard the almost inaudible gasp and returned her eyes to the woman.

"What?" She asked.
"We're reading the same book." She said, raising her copy of "The Price of Salt" by Patricia Highsmith.

"Oh yeah, that's what made me approach you, honestly. I mean, apart from how I find you beautiful and-" Y/N caught herself rambling and stared wide-eyed and blushing at the woman across her, who's mirroring her expression.

"Which part are you on?" Y/N clears her throat and averted the topic. The woman Infront of her have a faint smile and answered. "Oh um, the part where Carol hasn't reached out to Therese for quite awhile already and asked her to come back to New York so they could have a talk."

"Oh no." Y/N silently muttered but the woman seemed to have caught it.

"What?" The woman asked apprehensively. "Something not so good is gonna happen, right? gosh I knew this book would break my heart the first time I picked it up." The woman frowns while looking down.

Y/N let out a chuckle "What happens fits perfectly in the story, I promise. I'm nearing the end and may I tell you, it's really something." She said with a smile.

The woman seemed to be considering it, although she didn't need to 'cause there's no way she's gonna stop reading the book.

"I'm Y/N." The brown-eyed woman said, while offering her hand.

"Natasha." She smiled and reach her own hand to shake Y/N's.

The moment their flesh touched, no electricity has erupted, or no butterflies swarmed their stomach like they expected. Instead, The redhead resists the urge to intertwine her fingers with Y/N's, resisting the urge to pull her in a hug instead. It was like a warmth washed over her body that made her breathe freely for what seems like the first time. And Y/N felt the same.

They exchange warm smiles and almost hesitantly let go of each other's hands.

"It's nice meeting you." Y/N said while letting the warm feeling consume her.

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