Time to say Goodbye 🧅

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Based on real events

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Based on real events


I woke up in a daze, panicking as I don't feel familiar with the surroundings, even before I opened my eyes. My suspicion was confirmed when I finally adjusted my eyes and found myself lying in a bunch of hay under what seems to be a barn.

What the fuck.

I feel my ears ringing as I try to familiarize myself with my surroundings and tried my best to push the panic down.

This place looks awfully familiar. No. That wouldn't make sense.

I was then snapped out of my daze as I hear two awfully familiar voices arguing.

This is nuts. Am I dead? I'm sure as hell I won't be going to heaven so where the fuck am I?

"Don't take from my pile." One of the 2 voices said. I shook my head, now fully awake and decided to check out who was arguing. More to confirm my suspicion than actually checking out who the voices belong to.

I carefully tip toed to the door, trying to prevent the rustling of the hay beneath my feet. I peek on the window...

Holy fucking nerf guns. I am dead. DID I DIE IN MY SLEEP? I'M DEAD. WHAT THE FUCK I'M DEAD. That's a fucking boring way to die but I'm fucking dead.

The man who stayed tearing logs in half with his bare hands was no other than Steve Rogers himself, and the man that left previously was Tony Stark.

Fuck it.

I made myself known as I came out of the barn that turns out to be Clint Barton's backyard. I still have no idea how I got here. Last thing I remember was me going to bed and THIS WORLD BEING FICTIONAL.

"Oh there you are, I wondered where you wandered off last night. I understand tho, it was pretty tough." He said acknowledging my presence. What the fuck. What was pretty tough? "There you are"? What was that supposed to mean?!
Act normal. Act normal. Act normal. Act normal.

"What on earth is happening?! The last time I checked I'm in a pretty fucked up world then I went to sleep to put a pause on my fucked up life then BAM! I woke up here and holy mother Jesus, the last time I checked you guys are pure fiction!" I paused and went to tap his arm. "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE DEFINITELY REAL, I'M GOING CRAZY." I freaked out as anyone would if they're suddenly transported into the fucking MCU.

"Hey, hey will you tone it down? And please don't swear, the kids might hear you." He shushed me and kept my hands from flailing around. "And what do you mean? what fiction? Are you okay? Are you not fully recovered yet?" He asked but I have no idea what he's on about so I just let him drag me inside Clint's house.

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