Flash Report

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"We just received a flash Report, actress Scarlett Johansson has been reported missing just a few moments ago. Sources say that she was last seen leaving the comforts of her home in New York, yesterday. All forms of contact are unreachable and the officials are now in search of the actress. For more updates..."

I stood up from the couch with a roar of thunder in the background, matching my erratically beating heart. The voice of the reporter faded into the background as I stared blankly into the screen. A picture of a woman smiling, almost taking half of our television.

"Hey isn't that the one who plays Marvel?" My dad said dismissively, failing to notice my grave demeanor. "Black Widow..." I trailed. "Yeah, whatever. You need to pick up your daughter." That broke me out of my trance and I nodded absentmindedly. I gathered my umbrella and keys and went into the garage.

I drove into the rain aloof, I didn't even realize I had already arrived and was already making my way to my daughter's class. It was as if I was on autopilot. The missing actress is consuming my thoughts.

"Mommy!" A shrill voice of a little girl squealed. That seemed to snap me back to reality as I plastered a smile and opened my arms to welcome her incoming hug. "Hello baby, did you have fun today?" I asked. "Yes! Teacher Chloe taught us how to add numbers and about the planets and..." She rambled excitedly and took my hand. I listened as I led her outside to our car.

"Mommy it's raining." Why daughter whined and held my arm. "Yes baby, I'm just gonna carry you okay?" I said and she nodded. So I lift her up. She has issues with people touching her, although she is comfortable with me doing it, it's still good to give her a heads up. "Do you want something, honey?" I asked while I'm buckling her up. "Can we go get ice cream please?" She asked. "Honey, it's already freezing, are you sure you want ice cream?" I checked. She just gave me her best pleading eyes and jutted her lip. "Pweasse mama." I sighed, how could you deny that? "Fine, but after dinner okay?" I compromised, she bounced it her seat si I took that as a yes.

On our way home, I noticed she would occasionally glance at me as contemplating.

For the nth time I caught her, I asked "Is there something you wanna ask me honey?" I asked and she slowly nodded. "Well go on, what is it?" I asked calmly.
"Mommy?" I hummed in response.

"Who's the woman in our basement?"

I looked at her in shock. She saw her?

I slowly raised my index finger to my lips. "Shhh."

She mimicked my gesture, "shhh" and we both snickered on the way home.


Inspired by the video I saw on TikTok by
@ wattpadnightreader

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