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Jennie- Mam your dinner!
You- Sit with me...
Jennie- Okay mam.

Then suddenly your phone ranged.

You- Jennie stay quiet for sometimes.
Tae- Hii Sana! Whatcha doing?
You- Just sat for dinner.
Tae- Oh then have your dinner..... I will call you later!
You- No Tae... it's fine!
Tae- I wanted to talk about Daegu trip.
You- Tomorrow at 9 am okay?
Tae- Where?
You- Front of your hospital?
Tae- Okay girl!
You- *chuckled*  good night!

End Call

Jennie-mam can I ask something?
You- Yes I like him.
Jennie- I understood.....
You- You must thinking that a killer is liking a saver?!
Jennie- Mam... love is only about our heart. We don't have any hand in this matter I also know that.
You- Ah you're probably right!

Next Morning

Tae- You are punctual!
You- I know Mr. Kim...*giggled* Should we go?
Tae- By the way... about your brother...
He lives there alone?
You- He live in his school dorm.
Tae- Why you didn't take him here?
You- Just because.... I don't have money to take care of him. And as that school is so good he is living well there.
Tae- Got you.
You- Um... would you like to have some coffee?
Tae- Where? I love coffee so much.
You- I bring coffee with me. Here take it.
Tae- Your husband is gonna be lucky.
You- *chuckled* That's dream man. I don't think I will be able to get married.
Tae- Why?
You- No one will marry me. Okay?
Tae- Aish! I can marry you!
You- *giggled* okay okay...
Tae- you can take a nap.
You- Okay... if you need anything just call me okay?
Tae- Hm hm....

At Evening

Tae- Sana? We reached here....
You- You mean really you let me sleep this long?
Tae- You were so into sleep so....
You- Now I will not be able to sleep at night.
Tae- Okay no problem I will give you company.
You- Tae! You are so tired. Now let's go and have something to eat.

Few times later

You- Yeonjun.....
Yeonjun- nuna??  You didn't inform me.
You- I wanted to give you surprise. Well meet with Taehyung. He is a doctor.
Yeonjun- Doctor? Jinja? I also wanna be a great doctor.
Tae- Of course you will be. But for that you need to study properly!
You- Yeonjun did you hear what he said?
Yeonjun- Yeah nuna. I will study hard.
You- You both can talk I have some work with the school principal.
Tae- Sure!

Then you went in. As Yeonjun don't know that you're a mafia. Cause didn't want to ruin his life. He even doesn't know your real name is not Sana. So if he talk with Taehyung there will be no problem.

Tae- So what's your favorite subject?
Yeonjun- Biology. I love it.
Tae- That's good.
Yeonjun- Are you her boyfriend?
Tae- Um... no kind of best friend.
Yeonjun- Is she living happily?
Tae- Don't worry boy she is living happily. And now I am with her.
Yeonjun- Take good care of her..... i don't wanna lose her.
Tae- Yeah boy. I will probably protect her.
You- What are you guys talking?
Yeonjun- just about his job....
Tae- Let's have a smalk dinner together.
Yeonjun- Yeppp.

At Night

Tae- He went back to his dorm where are we gonna stay?
You- At car!
Tae- yeah that's true.
You- You go to the back seat and sleep well.
Tae- And you?
You- I will just listen some music. Maybe it will help me to sleep.
Tae- Okay fine.

When he was sleeping you looked at his pureness. As like he came to show you what is love?

You- I love you.... I never thought I will meet with someone like you. I love you. But I can't say you..... that's my bad.
Tae- You love me?
You- *shocked* you.... are... awake?
Tae- You love me?
You- Ah act..actually....
Tae- Sana please say do you really love me?
You- Yes I do.
Tae- I still can't believe.... after knowing my busy schedule you still love me.... i was waiting for this day!
You- Mean?
Tae- I also Love you Sana.... give me a chance to give you all the happiness!
You- *cry* Thank.... you.. Tae!

Then You both hugged each other. Even you forgot that moment that you are a mafia.

Thank You

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