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Tae- Why?
Hyunjin- They were from a middle class family. From her birth she saw her abusive father. Who used to scold her mother without any reason. Beat her and her mom just because they didn't open the door in 2 minutes at night!
At least.... one day when she came back from her school she found her mom dead...... her father killed her after getting drunk. She couldn't control herself.... she took her brother who was little that time and took that knife and killed her father! After leaving Incheon she went to Busan.... and gave her brother to a old woman! She promised her that she will take care of her brother. Then she came to Seoul without anything........

Tae- T-then.... how... she.. be-came a mafia....?
Felix- After coming to Seoul... she found herself helpless... two men said that they will find a home for her but they betrayed her! They were about to sell her but she ran away.... she went to a old man! He was the mafia.... after knowing her he gave her place to stay and helped her to getting revenge on those men. He taught her martial arts, shooting and all the other things! But one day when she was going to Daegu with that old mafia... someone shot him! She didn't get who killed him! But she didn't stay quiet.... she wanted to kill that man who killed her life saver!
After that she became a mafia....

Giselle- She saved all of us from dying! And made us powerful. Gave us a life! Now how can we.... leave her!

Jennie- You don't know after getting you.... she totally changed herself... no body could say she is a mafia! She used to smile while looking at your photo. She just wanted to live a normal life with you!
Tae- Bu-but....
Yeji- Even Dr. Kang insulted you.... that's why she punished him! This much she loves you!
Giselle- Guys we should follow her... where she gone?
Hyunjin- Let's go and check!!

Yeji- And listen Dr. Kim.... she never killed a innocent! We could kill you cause because of you she was about to die but we can't cause she loves you!

Then they all left.

Tae- I- AHHHHHH!! What should... I do? Now!! AHHHH...*break down with tears*
Giselle- Where is mam?
Hyunjin- She came to this way but... there is no trace!
Jennie- I am calling bright he will track mam's phone!
Yeji- That's good... call him!

Jennie- Hello Bright? Can you please track mam's phone?
Jennie- Okay thanks!

Jimin- I brought JK!
JK- where is Jung Y/n? And her group?
Jimin- Taehyung why are you quiet?
JK- Taehyung tell me I need to arrest her!
Tae- She.... ran... away!
JK- What?
Jimin- Taehyung!!

But Taehyung didn't listen and left from there.........

Your POV

You will never find me! Never ever ever! Was I really that much cruel? Am I an evil? And I don't deserve a Angel like you? Taehyung I LOVE YOU. If my job is the reason behind your leave! Then I will leave this Job! And I will go far away......


Saying this you were speeding up your car and a truck came from front and your car crushed by it!!

You were lying while your head was bleeding too much........

After few days

Felix- Dr. Kim!!
Tae- W..hat?
Felix- We still couldn't find her!! Just for you she left us! You know what we are feeling like we lost our home!
Tae- What I will do..... I am also feeling helpless! I am living like a dead body. I also loved her! And I never want her to be lost.
Yeji- We couldn't even track her phone. Cause it was switched off.
Tae in mind- I was too harsh! She didn't become a mafia for her interest! Her childhood was more heartbreaking than mine! I could just made her living a normal life but.... I just gave her pain.

When You opened your eyes you found yourself in a hospital.

You- Where am I?
????- You woke up?! You are at hospital.
You- What happened with me? Why am I here?
????- Accident. But now you are totally fine.... what's your name?
You- Y/n....
????- Hey are you Jung Y/n? The mafia queen?

You just nodded. He smiled brightly.

????- Thank You so much... for killing Mr. Sang!
You- Huh?! Who are you? Why are you thanking me.....
????- You remember the old man? Who saved you?
You- Ahjussi?
????- I am his only son! I was at Japan then.... when I came back I got to know about his death! And I found that Mr. Sang is his killer!
You- Mr. Sang? Really?
????- Yes! He killed my dad!
You- What's your name?
????- Hwang In yeop!

Thank You

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