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At Dinner

Felix- Mam... we don't think Mr. Sang will go without protection.
You- Ik he will go with his bodyguards. And how much Ik that he will go in a different way! Not in his own car.
Giselle- Then....
You- Nothing... you and Felix will go to his house and follow his every steps.
Felix- Okay mam!
You- And Jennie you will go with bright at his guards room. And make them weak.
Jennie- Okay mam.
You- And Yeji and hyunjin you both will  be with me! And take hitman too!
Hyunjin- Okay mam.
You- Make sure his car fuel can finish before his destination.
Yeji- Okay mam.
You- Hope we can destroy him!!
Giselle- Yes mam we will destroy him!
Felix- What about his family?
You- Uh ha... don't let his family know anything! Be sure they will be safe!
Jennie- Okay mam!

After dinner Taehyung called you.........

You- Hey Tae... I was about to call you.
Tae- Woah... then my 6 sense is working properly. Did you pack?
You- Yes... what are you doing?
Tae- I am thinking how I will stay without you!
You- Do you love me that much Tae?
Tae- More than you can imagine. After loosing my family.... I again started dreaming about a new family Sana! I want you to be with me.... while you will stay with me and we can do every fun... we can enjoy every moment of life.
You- I also want the same Tae. My life was colorless Tae..... but after meeting with you I am feeling like I was waiting for you from the first day of my life.
Tae- Be safe baby... and I will call you on every break time.
You- Thank you Tae.... I love you!
Tae- I love you too baby!

Then you guys didn't hang up just stayed like that.... no one was talking but you guys were smiling like idiots. It was a new Feeling which you wanna enjoy fullest.

Next Day

You guys went to Daegu by your jet. After reaching their you guy separated.

One day later~

Just like Taehyung said.... he called you every time. Asking again & again that how are you.

Taehyung POV

We should just get married as soon as possible. Then I will not have to stay without her. I love you Sana.....

JK- Bro... you heard that mafia queen Y/n left Seoul!?
Tae- Why should I. Idc about that girl. That evil....
JK- But why she left.... it's making me worried. She must went somewhere to kill someone.
Tae- Jk why you guys can't catch her! How much power she holds.
JK- She has a strong team Taehyung.... and she is too powerful!
Tae- Woah! Then do one thing just let her kill everyone..... btw Jk don't make my mood worse by her name.
JK- Fine you think about your Sana....
Tae- Yes I will.... Sana is like an angel. Not like that Jung Y/n!

After One Day

Felix- Yes mam you were right.... he is going in his assistant's car! With his two major bodyguards.
Jennie- But dw... mam We gave him drugs... they are not that well now!
You- Good! They will stop at middle jungle... and Sang will be dead!
Felix- Yes mam!

At Night

Mr. Sang was going like his plans......
But in middle way his car stopped.......

And Giselle and Felix already killed other two cars drivers. So those cars were none of use.

Mr. Sang- WTF. I told you to full this car with petrol.
Bodyguard 1- Yes sir we... did....
Mr. Sang- F* yourself! Now call other drivers!
Bodyguard 2- They aren't picking up!

You- Hey Mr. Kang!
Mr. Sang- Who.....YOU!!
You- Remember me?
Mr. Sang- Wtf you are doing here?
You- Aigo... I only come to kill mr.
Mr. Sang- Go to hell. My bodyguards will kill you.
Hyunjin- Really Mr. Sang? He already tied his bodyguards.
Mr. Sang- Why you wanna kill me?
You- You know~
Mr. Sang- Leave... meee.....
Yeji- Sorry Mr. Sang! Mam....
You- *she gave you lighter* thank you.

You lit that and threw on his car.... and he started screaming. In 5 minutes the whole car burnt.

You- Well done... now what should we do with his bodyguards?!
Yeji- They are already overdosed.
Hyunjin- Look they are not even in sense.
You- Leave them here.... let's go!
Yeji- Should we go back to Seoul?
You- Ani... now police will keep their eye on every airport's and train stations. And every places.... so we should stay here 3 days more!
Hyunjin- Yes mam is right!
You- Enjoy some days like yourselves.

Then you got a call from Taehyung......

Thank You

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