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Tae- Sana?
You- Hmm?
Tae- You are so pure.
You- You are more than me Tae.... you will never.... leave me right?
Tae- I will never baby!
You- *blushed and hide your face on his chest*
Dr. Kang- Taehyung are you deaf?
Tae- Sir?
Dr. Kang- I called you almost 3 times. Can you keep aside your personal life?
Tae- I am so-sorry sir.
Dr. Kang- Keep your sorry! If I saw you like this again I will complain about you. Then I will see who save your career.
Tae- No... sir.. it will never happen again!

Then he left. Your blood were boiling. You couldn't bear his insults. A devilish smile appeared on your face.but you hide that.

Tae- I am sorry Sana... I need to go back at work.
You- No Tae it's totally fine. I will come again. But not in this hospital. We will meet outside.

Tae in mind- She understood my situation so well. God sends a amazing partner to my life. I am so thankful.
You- Then I am leaving. Have a good day.
Tae- You too.

Then you went to your Mansion and broke the $500 flowerpot by a punch.

Jennie- What happened mam?
You- I will kill him!
Jennie- Whom?
You- That Kang!
Jennie- You mean... Doctor Kang?
You- Yes! Say Lucas to kidnap him! And take him to our basement.
Jennie- Okay mam.
You- You will regret what you did Dr. Kang!!

You couldn't sit properly even couldn't eat properly. But for making you calm Your angel called you.

Tae- Hello Sana?
You- Hii Tae....
Tae- You ate?
You- Not yet and you?
Tae- I am gonna eat. Why you didn't?
You- I was not hungry....
Tae- No Sana don't skip meals!
You- Fine fine I won't.
Tae- *giggled* Well.... if you are free today evening can we meet?
You- Yeah... where?
Tae- At side of Han river?
You- Okay with a coke!
Tae- Okay miss!!

He made your mood totally better. You were not angry anymore. But you need to give a treatment to Dr. Kang. Then you got fresh and ate some food. And got ready to meet with Taehyung.

At Han River

Tae- Hey... Sana!
You- Hii Tae...
Tae- Looking so down?
You- Kinda... but now ik I am gonna be okay.
Tae- *giggled* Why?

You hugged him tightly and said- Cause I am with you!
Tae- *blush* Now here is your coke!
You- Isn't it so beautiful?
Tae- This river?
You- Yeah.... So refreshing.....
Tae- Yep! That's why after a tiring day I always come here.
You- Tae?
Tae- Yes?
You- Will you marry me in future?
Tae- Ofcourse I will!
You- *giggled* That was weird proposal.
Tae- I like that you said straightforward.
You- You always say you like everything about me.
Tae- Cause I can't lie. Well I have something for you!
You- And what's that?
Tae- First close your eyes.
You- Okayyyy!

You felt he took your hands in his. And put something on your ring finger.

 And put something on your ring finger

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You- Tae??
Tae- It's for you....
You- *tears flowing* I-
Tae- It's fine... you don't need to say thanks or anything.
You- But do you know the meaning of giving a ring?
Tae- I know madam! From now you are only mine!
You- *giggled* Ofcourse I am.

After having some chitchat you came back to your Mansion.

Lucas- Mam... Dr. Kang?
You- Oh yeah let's go!

You went in basement. And saw he was on a chair while his hands were tied by rope.

Dr. Kang- Let ME go!
You- Why Dr. Kang? Aren't they treating you well?
Dr. Kang- Who are you? And why you locked me here?
You- Y/n!
Dr. Kang- You are that mafia?? But why did you tied me here?
You- You don't need to know now! Lucas!
Lucas- Yes mam!

Then Lucas took him in their car and threw him in lake while tied with chair.

You- Who will hurt my Tae I will never forgive him or her!
Lucas- Who is Tae mam?
You- My King... my love.... my everything!
Mark- Mam in love?
You- Why? Am I not allowed to love?
Mark- Aish no mam. Everyone is allowed.

You in mind- I should also give him something..... well I can give him a lot things but he will got me wrong! Cause he doesn't know about my work. But I will give you something for sure Tae.

Thank You

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