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Inyeop- By the way.... Y/n! There is your new I'd go and check that.....
Tae- New I'd?
Inyeop- Yeah.... she is gonna change her name!
You- Mm... Inyeop can you look at the reception?
Inyeop- Yeah sure!
Tae- What was he taking about?
You- Oh... he was saying the truth! I changed my name. I am gonna be a different person.....
Tae- Stop changing yourself!
You- Why? I am making myself like what you want!
Tae- Please stop! I can't see this anymore......
Jennie- Ah.. ma.. sorry Ruby... Inyeop called you! There are some customers.

You nodded and left........

Tae- What's going on? Guys stop please.
Jennie- Why? Why you wanna stop her now?
Tae- I can't see her like this! It's making my Heartbreak.
Jennie- And her is already broke!
Tae- Who is that guy.... why she is here?
Jennie- He is a life saver. I hope this time she will not get hurt!
Tae- What you mean by this time?
Jennie- I want them to be together! He is such a good guy!
Tae- STOP!! She can't get along with him.....
Jennie- Why? Should she stay with a broken heart? Do you even know how much he took care of her? If you wanna know go and check them.

Taehyung went hurriedly and saw Inyeop was helping you.... you were laughing with him. It made him kinda sad.

Yeji- Oh Dr. Kim....
Tae- Mina... wait idk your name but what is going on? please stop her.
Yeji- I can't.... if you will not try ik you will loose her!
Tae- I Love her!
Yeji- Whom? Sana or Y/n!?
Tae- I love who is she! I can't see her changing like this!
Yeji- Then make her yours! Ik no one is at your side! But if you really love her I can help ya.
Tae- Please.... help me!
Yeji- Seems like Inyeop likes her! There is only way to stop him! You need to talk with her.
Tae- But....
Yeji- You can do it! I will send her at Han river today evening! That's your last chance.....

Taehyung nodded and left.......

Yeji- Ruby! Now let's go.....
You- Where?
Yeji- It's upto me please.....
You- Okay okay!

Then she took her near Han river!!

You- why we are here?
Yeji- Someone else is gonna come.....
You- Who?
Yeji- You will know soon!

But 1 hour passed no Taehyung was there......

Yeji- Why isn't he coming?
You- Now tell me Yeji who?
Yeji- Dr. Kim.....
You- Taehyung?
Yeji- Yes I told him to come at evening but....
You- Why would he come? He doesn't love me anymore.
Yeji- He loves you! Let me call him!

Yeji called him but it was keep telling switched off.

Yeji- Wtf!!
You- What happened? I told ya he will not come!
Yeji- Look his phone is switched off....
You- But he never did it before. Cause as a doctor anybody can call him.
Yeji- He told me that he loves you the way you are! He realized his mistakes. He doesn't want you to be changed.
You- He said all of this?
Yeji- Yes! But why isn't he coming....

Suddenly you got a call from an unknown number.

???- Ahh Y/n!!
Who are you?
???- You don't know me babygirl!
TF!! Then cut the fvcking call.
???- Ah listen first... are you finding your Doctor?
How.... how did you know!?
???- That's because he is with me!
???- Yeah.... if you don't wanna see his dead body then come to me!
DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH HIM. If you touched him... and he get a single wound on his body I will Destroy your fucking everything!
???- Ah ha calm down! If you will come I will not do with him anything!
I will come. Where and when?
???- That's my good girl. Just come to front of xxxx park... my car will pick you... at 11 pm dot!!
???- And come alone..... remember it!

Then he cut the call you threw your phone.

Yeji- What happened?
You- THAT MF.... HOW COULD HE KIDNAPP my... Tae! I will tear him from the middle of him body!
Yeji- What are gonna do?
You- I will go there.... And my guns.... I need them!
Yeji- I am calling everyone.
You- Don't!! He told me to go alone.....
Yeji- Mam... believe on us! It's probably a helling trap!
You- Where the micro tracker?
Yeji- That's with me....
You- Do one thing! I am gonna put that on my inner.... you guys just track me and come okay?
Yeji- Sure! We will go......
You- I will kill him by my own hands!

Thank You

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