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Inyeop- Btw why you were alone?You- I am alone

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Inyeop- Btw why you were alone?
You- I am alone...that's why?!
Inyeop- Not anymore! You are going to be discharged tomorrow......
You- I wanna leave this mafia world!
Inyeop- Fine! You will have a new name.... new house.... everything will be new don't worry!
You- New home?
Inyeop- Yeah... My dad gave me a house when he was alive.... that's enough big to live we both! You can brought your brother too.....
You- He will never come! He hates me!
Inyeop- Aish... okay take your dinner and sleep early! We need to leave for seoul soon!
You- Okay......

Tae- She can't just disappear like this!
Jimin- Bro why are you keep thinking about her?
Tae- Cause I still love her!
Jimin- What? Love? That girl?
Tae- Don't say like this Jimin... she had no choices left!
Jimin- Making you understand is just a waste of time! Whatever I am leaving.

At Seoul ( Inyeop's house )

Inyeop- What about your team members?
You- Idk what I will say to them!
Inyeop- Just call them and say everything! They will understand you.

You nodded and called Giselle...........

You- Hello Giselle?
Giselle- Mam!!! Where were you? We found you everyday like crazy!
You- Calm down Giselle. I am at Seoul now... can you guys come to XXXX place?
Giselle- We are coming rn.

You- She said they are coming here.
Inyeop- That's Good! Btw here is your medicine!
You- Thanks.

Few minutes later~

Jennie- Mam are you okay?
Yeji- What happened on your head?
Inyeop- She got in a accident!
Felix- Who are you?
You- Relax Felix he is Mr. Hwang's son. Inyeop.
Hyunjin- Mr. Hwang....
Giselle- You mean who saved you?
You- Yes! At first his father and now he.
Jennie- Thank You sm...
Inyeop- There is nothing to say thanks! Well Y/n tell them everything!
You- Um.. yeah.. guys let's stop it.
Yeji- What mam?
You- This Job! As a mafia....
Jennie- But...
Felix- What we will do if we leave this?
You- We will live a normal life!
Inyeop- She is right! You all can start a fresh life!
Hyunjin- Can we?
You- Yeah... we can!
Inyeop- I have a little business.... if you guys want you can join me!
Giselle- But all we know is fighting!
Inyeop- I will teach you.... and I need some people also...
You- He is right!
Inyeop- Thank You Y/n!
You- Then... felix call our men too! They will help us too! And sell that Mansion. And send those money to orphanage and old age home.
Felix- Okay mam!

When Felix was going to sell that man's he met with Taehyung.

Tae- Did you find her?
Felix- Yes....
Tae- Where was she?
Felix- Why do you care? For you we were about to lose her!
Tae- What you mean....
Felix- She met with an accident!
Tae- What?!
Felix- I need to go I have work......and for you she is leaving this mafia world.

Then Felix left......

Taehyung POV

What did he say? She is leaving her job as a mafia? For me? I am feeling guilty now! For me she was about to die! I need to say her a sorry!

POV end

2 days Later......

You were doing your new job. It was fun... you guys run a small business but it was a good job! Inyeop taught you all about this business and it was going well.

That day Taehyung went to meet with you....... then he saw you were having a problem to do work cause of your hair so Inyeop tied your hair like a ponytail. First time Taehyung understand what is jealousy!

Tae- Y/n.....
You- *looked at him* Ta... Dr. Kim?
Tae- *shocked* Why you addressed me like that?
You- Then... how should I address you?
Tae- Y/n... I came to say sorry....
Inyeop- You both carry on I am gonna bring a coffee for him.
You- But.. Mr. Kim I was wrong!
Tae- Don't you love me anymore?
You- No... I do love you... but I will not go to you!
Tae- Why? What did I do?
You- I did! I will go to you then when I will be a normal girl like others.... it will take time! I am not your love... you used to love that cute shy... bubbly girl! You never loved me Dr. Kim!
Tae- That's true that I fall for her! That was the thing which you showed me... but your those talks... those comfort level that was not fake right?
You- Ofcourse not!
Tae- And when you were missing!  When they told me about your past... I felt guilty and sorry for you!
You- But you never felt love for Jung Y/n!
Tae- I....
You- Sit here... he will bring coffee... oh there is he!
Inyeop- Here... btw is he a dr?
You- Yes! A very good dr.
Inyeop- Nice to meet you... I am Hwang Inyeop!
Tae- Nice to meet you 2 *he forcefully smiled*

Thank You

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