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hey mads ☺️i just wanted to let youknow i had a lot of fun during dinner last week! i hope to see you againthis week :)

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hey mads ☺️
i just wanted to let you
know i had a lot of fun
during dinner last week!
i hope to see you again
this week :)

hii lan
i had a lot of fun too
i'm sure we'll find some time
to see each other this week
just one thing
pls call me lyn, not mads

okay lyn ;)
can i ask why?

oh no special reason
just people have always called
me lyn, so it's a bit weird if one
person suddenly starts calling
me mads
that's all haha

got it haha
don't worry it won't happen
actually i gotta go
need to go to the garage
to prep for quali

yeah i have to take max to
the garage as well

see u later!
lyn ;)

haha see ya 🙃
Seen 13:57


Madelyn bites her lip as she puts her phone into her back pocket. She didn't expect lying to Lando would bother her so much. There was actually a reason she wanted him to call her 'Lyn' instead of 'Mads'. He just didn't need to know about that yet. Not many people knew the reasoning behind 'Lyn' being her nickname. Only Ellis, Isla, and a few family members, to be exact. Even Max didn't know fully. Madelyn had only told him that there was a reason. Just not what reason. Fortunately, Max didn't ask any more questions about it.

Madelyn stands up from the chair at the table in Red Bull's motorhome. She grabs her water bottle and recorder from the table and brings them along with her upstairs, where she makes her way towards Max's dressing room. They were at Imola, and in an hour, qualifying for the second race of the season was due to start. Italy was not necessarily on Max's lucky list. In fact, he had never finished in Italy during the previous season. But this was a new year, and so there were new opportunities. The team had confidence in both their drivers that they would get good results, but mainly in Max.

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