Chapter 13

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When I arrived at the police station I was filled with anger I just had no idea why Sophia would do this to me, I had never done anything to her... The police took me inside for questioning. They asked me questions about James and if I had ever hurt him. When I walked out of the room James was sitting there,
"Hi" James said.
"Hi, have they questioned you yet"
"Yeah, who said that you were abusive towards me, you would never hurt a fly?" James said.
"Yeah I know, and no one really just Dani's sister she is kind of a bitch sometimes" I answered.
"I know that sounds harsh but she is" I added.
"I just don't get it though how does she even know me?" James asked
"I have no idea but somehow she does" I added, in the back of my mind I kept thinking about what Sophia said about being with James. We sat for about 5 minutes talking before...
The police discovered that I hadn't done anything and let us go.
I was expecting to be there much longer than 2/3 hours.
Me and James both went outside,
"So how are you getting home?" James asked.
"I don't know, Dani took the car I had back home so I will have to call her or something"
"Why don't I just give you a ride home? It will save her having to drive all the way here." James offered.
"Are you sure that's okay?"
"Yes of course I have to go that way anyway."
"Okay, thank you" I replied.
We went over to James' car and I got in the passenger side, James started the car and pulled out of the parking space.
"So today has been eventful." James said breaking the silence.
"Yeah it definitely has" I agreed.
"What are you doing next, Friday?"
"Nothing really, why?" I answered.
"Well, I was thinking what about a 4th date?, there's this new film out in the cinemas and I really want to see it, it looks really good!" James rambled on.
"Yeah sure," I said. I have only known him for about 3 weeks and we are already going on our 4th date.
We were now around the corner from my house,
" you can just Drop me here if you want so you don't have to go into the street" I said.
"No it's okay I'll just take you it's only going to add 2 minutes to my journey" James replied.
"Okay!" I said. I didn't like people going out of their way to do things for me no matter how small it was, because I didn't want to bother them, I just felt like I was getting in their way and wasting their time. I know it sounded stupid but I always felt like I just bothered everyone, like I took up their time when the could have been doing something better, than being with me or doing something for me, I was very thankful though.
James stopped the car outside of my house,
"Thank you, and sorry about tonight, I wish Dani's sister would just stop getting involved with everything, I'm sorr-"
"Niamh, it's not your fault, you always apologise even when you had nothing to do with it." James interrupted.
"I can't help it I guess" I laughed realising it was true.
"Thanks for driving me home," I said before picking up my phone.
"No problem" James said before leaning over and giving me a hug.
" I'll see you, next Friday I guess" I said before opening the car door.
"Yeah, I'll text you later" James said, we said goodbye and I closed the car door, I walked up to my door, I looked in the street to see if the car was there. it wasn't.
Dani must have went out I thought to myself. I put my hand in my pocket, to get out my keys, but j couldn't find them, I must have left it in the car or in James' car. I pulled out my phone to text Dani to find out where she was, but I had no service. I sat down on the front step for a few minutes trying to decide what to do...
"I'll go to the back garden and see if a window is open, I couldn't unlock the gate from outside so I had to climb the fence, I got a splinter or two in my hand as I climbed up. I jumped downstairs onto the grass and then stood up properly,
"Okay now to find a way in" I said a little too loudly.
I walked round to the side of the house to check the windows and door. To my surprise the kitchen window was open, but just closed over, I pulled it open. Luckily it was big enough for me to fit through and low enough for me to reach, if I stood on one of the garden chairs. I climbed up onto the window ledge and slid through the gap, the window didn't open that wide, but it was wide enough just to fit through and no more. I climbed off of the kitchen counter and took my shoes off. I went upstairs to put my phone on charge, i connected my phone o the wifi and as I did I got all my texts through. I had three from Dani...
*Niamh, I'm going out, have you got your keys*
*i hope you do because I'm away to see Tom*
*I'll be back about 11 to give you the stuff out of the car and then I'll go home*
That's where she was, she was with Tom. And Lucky she left the window open or I would have been stuck outside for 3 hours.
I went and had a shower before going to bed, I watched Netflix for a while before falling asleep. It had been a long day, I was hoping the next day would be better...

[a/n: this part is kinda of rubbish and boring. Do you guys think that like the story is going to fast or not? Please comment and let me know xxx]

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