Chapter 1

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*Niamh's P.O.V.*

'I'm so exhausted' I thought to myself as I got changed into my black ripped skinny jeans and a black and white flannel with a black tee underneath.i am definitely not a morning person at all, it was 9am I had to pick up my best friend dani. We were going to go on a train to London to go shopping. I curled my hair, it was a light brown colour.

After I finished my curling my hair I went down to the kitchen to make my self some breakfast. I opened the cupboards to see what there was to eat I hadn't been shopping yet so there wasn't much choice. I decided to have some cereal quickly before I had to finish getting ready. I had a glass of water and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. When I was ready I grabbed my phone and keys and made my way to my car, I had passed my driving test a few months ago, I was 19. I got into the car and made my way to Dani's house. She only lived 15 minutes away from me. We had both recently moved out of our parents houses so we could be closer to our college. When I arrived at her house I turned the music down and phoned her so I didn't have to go to the door. When I phoned she was still getting ready as she had slept in. About 10 minutes later she appeared at the door dressed in black jeans with a red and black flannel.

"Hey" dani said as she opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.
"Hi" I replied. We were badly able to hold a conversation as it was so early. I started the car and drove out of Dani's street. We were listening to music the whole way to the train station, we decided to take the train because there would be so much traffic in London. We left my car in the car park and made our way up to the platform. We went onto the train but there was no seats so we sat on the luggage shelf.
"How have you been this week? I haven't seen you" I asked dani as we got off the train.
" I've been good just really busy with all the college work. How about you?"
"I've been okay I guess, I've been really tired though."
" Where do you want to go first then?" Dani asked when we got out of the station.
" I want to go get a coffee to drink while we are walking about. We could go shopping for clothes or something." I suggested
"Yeah sure, sounds fun."Dani answered.
We made our way towards Starbucks and got our coffees. We decided to go look at hats because Dani was wanting a new one. We walked for an hour or so talking about how we have been and various tv shows until Dani found a hat she wanted. She bought it and we went to continue shopping I wanted to go and get new vans as the ones I had were a bit ruined. We went into the shop and I made my way to the back where the vans were I chose a plain black pair with white laces and at the sides. After we left the shop we decided to go for something to eat. We took a while to decide on something but we eventually agreed on getting something we could take on the train. We got a subway each and went to the train. When we got got off the train we walked over to the car.

"So what do you want to do now since we have nothing to get done and it's only 3pm?" I questioned.
" we could go to on of our houses and just watch loads of movies and chat?" Dani suggested.
" yeah that would be good. What about my house?" I replied. Dani agreed then we drove towards my house.

When we got back to my house we both went in and I poured some drinks for us both. We both sat down on the couch and started drinking our cola.
" so Niamh do you remember that we said it would be a good idea to share a house as you wouldn't have to pick me up in the morning?"
"Yeah, it would be easier we should"
"Yeah why don't we then?" Dani mentioned
" sure, you could live here as it's closer to college and I have a spare room" I reminded her.
"Yeah I guess. So do you have any gossip haha"Dani asked
" no but I've just remembered that The X Factor is on tonight at 8pm" I reminded her
" oh yeah I forgot about it, I love X factor"
"I have a feeling this year will be really good." I shared.
" we will have to wait and see haha" Dani joked.

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