Chapter 14

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The next morning I got up and went downstairs. Later that day Dani was going to get her stuff from her house and move it to mine because she was going to move in as it was closer to college.
I walked into the kitchen and got myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea before going to sit in the living room and watch 'Orange is the new black'. Dani came downstairs shortly after, she seemed really tired. She came into the living room and say next to me,
"So how was last night?" I said hinting at her to tell me every last detail.
"I had a really great time, I think I really like Tom, he's such a nice guy and also he's really hot which is a bonus" Dani joked.
"I can tell you like him"
"When are we going to get your things from your house?" I added.
"In about an hour, I need to get ready and tidy the spare room a.k.a my new room"
"Okay, I'll need to start getting ready pretty soon then."

We both went to our rooms and done our hair, make-up and chose our outfits. I was wearing a pair on black high wasted jeans and a black top with a flannel round my waist with black converse. Dani was wearing black jeans and a long white tee with a red bandana tied to the top of her jeans with black vans.
I got my keys and went out to the car.
When we got to Dani's house we started moving boxes,
"So what happened last night with Tom?" I asked.
"Nothing much really, we watched some films and stuff and Tom was being really cute and sweet and he called me 'love' which was adorable and I fell asleep on the couch so he put a blanket over me and then when I woke up he made me a tea and then he-" Dani said excitedly.
"So you like him then?" I laughed.
"-and then he hugged me goodbye and kissed me on the cheek when I was leaving and it was really cute and yeah so not much really"
"Not much?" I joked.
I picked up two boxes and took them out to the car and Dani brought some shortly after.
We had taken a few more boxes out to the car.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out to see what it was. It was a text from an unknown number, it said,
*Hey Niamh, how is life going? I haven't seen you since that party a few weeks ago* I was confused I had no idea who it was.
*sorry but who is this.* I replied.
*Oh. You clearly deleted my number then, it's Cal* I wondered what he wanted, he was usually more of an asshole than this, so that's how I guessed he wanted something.
Me-*do you want something? Because I don't really want to talk to you after everything you have said.* I replied trying to be calm.
Cal-*Well if kind of got myself into a bit of trouble and well I need you to hide a ton of drugs*
Cal-*I'm joking, I just wanted to see how you were* he quickly added.
me-*Are you sure there isn't a catch?* I said not believing he wanted to know how I was.
Cal-*No catch, I kind of feel a little bad about what happened at the party I shouldn't have started let that happen in public* he apologised?!
Me-*Never thought I would hear an apology about that* I said surprised.
Cal- * it's not and apology it's just me saying I feel bad about it*
I was shocked that he felt bad, because it sounded like he meant every word he said that day, I don't really hold grudges but I didn't know if this was to big to let go of or not. I didn't know what to reply. I spent about 5-10 minutes thinking of what to say.
Me-* don't feel bad, you did say some pretty hurtful things but if you are genuinely sorry I guess I can forget about it* I wasn't sure if I believed that I could let go about it. Him and Dani are the only two that knew about my secret I didn't tell them they found out for themselves, I hate that they had to find out, especially like that. I don't even know if I would have told them how things were anyway. I was worried that anyone else would find out. I went and got the last box and took it to the car as dani had got the rest when I was talking to Cal.
Once we had finished we went inside to see if we forgot anything.
"I'm going to miss this place" dani said looking around the empty living room, all the furniture was at her mums house in the garage apart from a few things she wanted to bring.
"Yeah there has been loads of good memories here" I said walking around.
"Oh I forgot a box" dani shouted from her room.
I went to her room to see what it was.
She opened the box, it was full of pictures of us and our other friends, and different concert tickets that we had went to together.
"Do you remember this?" I asked showing her a picture of us when we first met.
"Yes, that was so long ago."
We put the few photos we took out back in the box and dani took it to the car.
We got in the car and drive back to the house. Before taking the boxes in I checked my phone. I had a text from James,
James- * hi, do you want to do something tonight*
Me- * yeah, why not, I am helping Dani move her stuff just now though*
James- * I can come over and help if you want*
Me- * That would be great actually*
James- * okay I'll be there in 20 minute x*
Me- * okay, see you soon x*
[ A/N: sorry if this part sucked a bit and it barely included James but I will include him more in the next part]

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