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"Pretty good!"

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"Pretty good!"

⛔️Trigger warning ⛔️

Chapter two: A Hard Day's Night.
1x03 Next of Kin

Delia had just poured herself a bowl of cereal when the bell rang. She groaned, shoveling as much cereal as she could into her mouth. Before placing the bowl in the sink and running toward the pole. Delia was always almost in a good mood. She was like a golden ray of sunshine. Hints at the nickname Goldie. But today wasn't a good day, she wasn't in a good mood, today she woke up and felt that very pit form in her stomach. Just like she had many times before in her life.

The pit that tells you something bad is going to happen. Now for Delia, she believed she had a sixth sense. She felt like she could speak with the universe. Today she woke up and felt cold and dark, like death. Nonetheless, it didn't stop her from repeating today's Mantra "All is well, right here, right now"  she took a deep breath and repeated the mantra one last time as they pulled up to the Call. 

"Adult male, down, on the hillside. We got three kids in a bouncy house."

" All right, we're gonna stage the trucks on that service road. Delia, I want you and Buck to rappel down, and anchor that bouncy house. Assess the condition of those kids, and start to send them down one by one in a basket. Hen and I will take care of the dad. Chimney, you're gonna stay up here and work the winch."

" Hey. How come I never get to do any of the fun stuff?"

" Working the winch is fun." Bobby smiles patting him on the back.

Everyone gears up into rappelling gear as Delia walks over to everyone making sure their gear is secure and checking their helmets. She was always like this. Mothering and Sweet. Needed to make sure everyone was safe. Yes of course they knew what they were doing but she had to see for herself. She had seen a lot of loss and experienced a lot of things, and the crew of 118 she couldn't lose, they were her anchor. The only thing keeping her sane enough to keep getting up every morning was that and the clinic she worked for. She slaps on her helmet, hooking herself to the rappel rope before giving a thumbs up and rappelling down.

She anchors the bouncy house before radioing Chim. "Bouncy house secure, Chim."


The kids scream for help as Buck rappels down next to Delia peering into the bounce house.

" Hey, guys, we're... We're L.A. Fire and Rescue. We're gonna get you out of here, okay? Everybody just stays calm."

" Hey, boys, can you tell if your friend here is okay? Is he awake? Is he breathing?"

" - Lower the basket down, Chim." Buck radios

" - Copy."

" Is my dad okay?" one of the boys asks as Delia looks down at Hen and Bobby who are still trying to work on the dad. Everything happens rather quickly. Chim lowers the basket, Delia and Buck put the unconscious kid on the basket sending him down, then Delia straps a kid to her gear, and then Buck. Everyone rappels down the hill to meet the ambulance as he and Delia check the vitals of the dad and one of the kids.

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