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"Congratulations on your new moo!"

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"Congratulations on your new moo!"

⛔️Trigger warning ⛔️
Chapter Six: Wolf Moon
1X07:Full Moon (Creepy AF)

4.5 billion years ago, an astral body the size of Mars slammed into the Earth. The debris that flew from our planet became stuck in Earth's gravity and formed our moon. That's right. The moon is just a part of the Earth, separated forever, always drawn back towards us, longing to reconnect.

It is said to increase fertility, create chaos and cause people to do things they would never normally do. No one knows why things get so weird when the moon is full, and why it makes people act so crazy. All we know is that in this job, the one night you need to be ready for anything is a night when the moon is full.


Delia was tired; she had stayed up all night dealing with her life. Between her time at the clinic and the homeless camps, her self-defense classes, and George her boyfriend, she was being spread thin, plus there was a full moon tonight and the carnival was in town. She was on post with Buck who was her partner for the night, she asked for Chim but Hen snatched him up before she could get him, things were weird between her and Buck, ever since that night she saved him he had been distant it wasnt like him, she felt bad, had done something wrong. Abby was also distant as well which was strange considering the circumstances.

She and Buck got a call about a child in a vending machine.

"All right, folks, coming through. Excuse me, please." They walked through the crowd and Delia's lips quirked into the biggest smile at the sight of the little girl.

"Hi  What are you doing there? I'm gonna have to take you out if that's okay with you." He says to the little girl who nods as Delia distracts her, she presses her face to the glass making silly faces at the girl as Buck uses the drill to unscrew the door open. The little girl keeps giggling as Buck stops using the drill and she opens the door.

" Hi. Are you ready? Yeah? Watch your head. Oh, I got you." Buck begins making faces behind Delia with the little girl in her arms. She points behind her and Delia turns, pretending not to see  Buck.

"What?" She says causing the small child to laugh as she hands her to her mom.

"Thank you. I can't believe they didn't have a key for this."

" Don't worry. It's, uh, it's one of those nights."

" And here. Congratulations on your moo-moo." She hands the little girl a stuffed cow from the Vending machine who giggles when Delia tickles her under her chin.

"You know you guys make a cute couple." She nods to Buck who is behind her closing up the vending machine.

"Oh uh- we just work together."

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