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"That's Love"⛔️Trigger warning ⛔️

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"That's Love"
⛔️Trigger warning ⛔️

Chapter Sixteen: Introducing Me
2x08: Buck Actually

Delia certainly wasn't expecting this to be her first call back on the job but it was. There was a woman who was standing on an exciting sign with a sign that says "See me now Norman." She was in a bathrobe and after Bobby explained the places where everyone was supposed to go, Chim, Hen Bobby, and the rest of the crew were down below inflating the air rescue cushion down below while the Trouble Trio geared up on the bridge to rappel down. Delia agreed to go down and talk with the woman. Athena was currently talking with the woman with a megaphone trying to calm her down.

"Hell no! I won't come down until Norman sees me! And don't you try to force me down!"

"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything. We're just gonna talk. What's your name?"

" Lola! Lola, my name's Athena. What's the problem?"

"The problem? The problem is, after 30 years of marriage, I can't get 30 seconds of attention from my husband! It's like I'm invisible! But I'm-I'm not invisible! I am here, damn it! See me, Norman!" she opens her robe flashing everyone with her naked body. " See me now?!"

" I am so thankful I am up here," Delia says as Eddie chuckles.

" Lola, good news. We found your man. He's on his way."

" I won't come down until he sees me!"

" Ma'am, you're the most famous face in the city right now. There ain't exactly a way to miss you."

" I don't care."

" Okay, move Delia into position."  Bobby's voice is heard over the radio. Delia nods as Eddie hits her helmet and begins scooting toward the sign.

" Okay, Chim."  Chim and Hen drag out the cushion from under the bridge as Delia gets her footing.

" No, no, no, no, no, no, no! What are you doing?! I-I told you! I told you!" Lola yells, Buck and Eddie are cautiously watching Lola.

" It's just there for your safety, Lola"

". I-I told you! I told..." she pulls out a small revolver shooting at the bag as Delia hops down a few feet away from her. All of the police departments had their guns aimed at the woman now.

"Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Stand down. Do not shoot." Athena orders as Lola turns to Delia, gun aimed.

" Hey, hey, hey, hey. Easy now."  Delia cautions this wasn't the first time guns were aimed at her and it probably wouldn't be the last.

" Lola, listen to me very carefully. You now have every firearm in the Greater Los Angeles area pointed at you. If you continue to threaten my firefighter they will fire. Do you understand? Do you?" Athena threatens as Lola stares at Delia who has her hands up in defense.

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