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⛔️Trigger Warning ⛔️
Chapter Eight: Skies Are Crying
4x12 Treasure Hunt

Everyone piles out of the rig seeing a field of grass, it was quite beautiful if you thought about it. They watched as Search and Rescue were looking for a climber apparently some hikers got a message in a bottle in the river a ways away, the message told them to call 9-1-1 and they did,

"8,000 acres to search. We could be waiting awhile." Chimney leans back onto the front of the engine rig.

" Are they sure someone's up there? That bottle could have been floating around for months."

" Which would mean our search and rescue might become a search and recovery" Delia mutters. Her aviators covered her hazel eyes.

"Note was written on a receipt. Rangers checked the date. It was five days ago."

"Sure hope it wasn't their last meal." Eddie comments.

"We see you, Captain Nash. We're coming in now." the pilot of the rescue helicopter lands in front of the crew.

"Copy that. Okay, Chimney, Eddie, gear up. You're going with them." Eddie and Chimney High five each other.

" Copy that. You'll harness up, we'll lower you down so you can grab him." Chimney says to Eddie as they fist bump. Buck is pouting like a toddler as Delia laughs. " Cheer up. You can go next time" Chimney pats him on the back.

They listen over the radio waiting for them to come back they the helicopter landing, the guy they pull out is delirious, he explains how his phone died after day three and he broke his ankle around that time but didn't want to leave because he wanted to find the treasure, whatever the hell that meant, he was too delirious for anyone to take seriously.

"I didn't want anyone else to find the treasure. It's mine! The treasure's mine! Don't tell anyone! Don't let anyone take it. It's mine! The treasure's mine!" He yells as Hen, Eddie and Chimney wheel him away.

" Did he say "treasure"? Buck says as trio look at each other.


" This is Channel with breaking news.Hollis Harcourt, the author of such cult classics as Agony in Atwater and Bludgeoned in Burbank, passed away in his sleep at age , leaving behind an intriguing message to his loyal fans."

" Behold. My final gift to the citizens of Los Angeles... a rare and priceless treasure. Though, if I had to put a price on it for tax purposes, I'd call it about 5 million$."

" Whoa. Five million." Eddie comments as the crew keep watching the news.

"I'm gonna bury this chest somewhere in the city of Los Angeles. If you are clever, as I know you are, one of you will find this chest, and the treasure will be yours."

Phoenix  (Evan Buckley)Where stories live. Discover now